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Jlm design: blog. Sometimes projects take years to develop, cultivate and bring to fruition. The idea to bring a simple 3-d architecture class to students at my sons' school started back in 2009. I wasn't sure exactly how, but I had a strong desire to introduce kids to model making, and thinking about space and the world around them. In December of 2009, my husband and I attended the Architecture Heritage Ball where the centerpieces were models contructed by students in the Center for Architecture's after school programs.

They were exquisite works of art and exactly the inspiration I needed! At the time of the Heritage Ball, I was the Vice President of the Clinton School PTA, which included a commitment to serve as Presdient the following year. In the Spring of 2010, our wonderful community felt a divide as a result of rezoning required from over-crowding at a few schools. After reasearching similar programs for guidance, we developed our curriculum for the Community Building Project. Off the Beaten Path. Moscow, Russia It was 1993, just after Perestroika. Russia was very unsettled and the Ruble was at, or above 5,000% inflation. The Russian people were wondering what to do with a post-Communist, open market, capitalistic, economy after 70 years of a government ruling everything.

The Christian Church had been isolated, shunned, and even persecuted under a Communist government attempting to dictate there was no God. My sister lived in Virginia at the time. She called and said that her church was going to take a group to Russia, Romania, and Hungary on a mission trip. Knowing that I loved to travel, and that I loved to meet new people, she asked if I would like to tag along. We met and flew out of Atlanta, making our way through Heathrow in London, on to Amsterdam, only to board yet another plane headed to Moscow. The ghost-like terminal served as a reminder as to just how oppressed the Russian people had been.

Once at the Olympic village, we were in a somewhat small venue. To be continued… Notes to Myself by Stefan Fiedorowicz. Contradictions are often the clearest way to truth. Even lost things want to be found again. ride the wave… and choose to get off when you desire. your choice. always your choice. Love … that emotion– subterranean, powerful, beautiful, illicit and infinitely patient. Two people meeting each other can change the course of your life in seconds. If I can only get into a corner of your mind. A smile between us can go along way. Can you love a person when you do not love the world surrounding her? Today my mind is on an extended sabbatical…so please do not test me anymore. Love is a friendship caught on fire.. A smile will keep your heart from breaking. Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage All Go Back to Where We Belong. give me something to hold onto.. What is it that we really can do…… we lift our eyes and smile at the world once more..We think, we act, we can also feel.

Everyday is something new… that is just the way it goes.. Love is a symbol of eternity. For every light that fades, A Dreamless Dream. Mother-Writer: Toni Morrison. If Not Now, Then When? | My Chic Life. I didn’t used to wear makeup. Well I guess I did wear makeup, but not often and not well. My oldest sister Christina was/is a makeup aficionado. Her hair was big and blonde and her eyeshadow was flawless, I should have followed suit, but she’s nine years older than me and so I missed the boat on the whole tutorial thing.

I suppose that explains why a quick swipe of mascara was the best I could come up with in my teenage years. And unfortunately acquiring hair or makeup skills is not something magically granted to you on your 18th birthday like the ability to buy lottery tickets. All of this to say that just because I was a legal adult, didn’t mean I was any closer to appearing pulled together. And almost immediately I answered my own question. “If not now, then when?” I realized I was living my entire life waiting for a moment to be special enough to try and look, feel, act my best and the truth is… you don’t need a special moment, or any reason at all. Dirt Work: An Education in the Woods by Christine Byl | Pagesofjulia's Blog.

Christine Byl opens her memoir with the pleasant scene of herself and three fellow crew members, crusty and dirty, having a post-hitch beer at a small-town Montana bar. A young woman approaches and asks how she keeps up with the boys, one of whom volunteers that it’s all they can do to keep up with her. She then backs up and tells the story of how she got there. Like many young women in our culture, Christine was expected and expecting to go to college, to do cerebral work and keep her hands (literally) clean; but a summer gig held her, and she reveled in physical challenges, in learning new things, in the mechanical world. Eventually she reveled in her hardening muscles and her expertise, in surprising men with her ax-work and in mentoring other young women coming up in the “matriarchy” of trail work (still predominately male) within Glacier National Park. So many things to love in this book; where to begin? Rating: 10 pulaskis (my personal favorite trailwork tool).

Like this: California Dreaming | Hey, it's Caleb Jacobo's blog. I stare into an evening sun; a pebble-sized hole in the reddening horizon. The world stretches towards this sun, as if painted on the inside of an enormous straw; I, standing at one end, the sun the other. All the world curls around us. A boardwalk, wooden fencing, a hill covered in coastal shrubs, all rush to the shore ahead, where curious figures dance and sing and fill my nose with smells both wonderful and complex. “Hello?” I whisper. No answer. I speak again. The sand’s virginal surface shows not a step, not a track, not a man-made mark; it is wholly untouched. To my right, a range of brittle shrubs shudder under the sea-breeze. To my consternation, the world—changes? On the shadowy shore, curious figures wave and point at me. I take another step, now another, now another. I drag myself through the silky sand.

I wrote this scene sketch today. Cheers, Caleb. Practical Tips on Writing a Book from 23 Brilliant Authors | NeuroTribes. Hello there! If you enjoy the content on Neurotribes, consider subscribing for future posts via email or RSS feed. Steve Silberman reading at the Booksmith in SF. Photo by Heather Champ. I love books. My late father Donald, who taught Wordsworth and Melville to inner-city kids for decades, used to read Ulysses to me while he carried me on his shoulders. Perhaps it was inevitable that I grew up to be a writer. Now, after years of investigative reporting for Wired and other magazines, I’m finally writing a book of my own. The subject of my book is autism, the variety of human cognitive styles, and the rise of the neurodiversity movement. The science of developmental disorders has made significant advances in recent years, and some of the social issues that I raised in the piece — such as the contributions that people with atypical cognitive styles have made to the progress of science, technology, and culture — seem more relevant than ever.

But now comes the hard part. Carl Zimmer. Shared Earth – the ancient mounds project | Jenny Ellerbe photographs. THE TEENAGE YEARS – 1957 to 1963 | ALTITUDE… Growing Up in Greenwood, MS I sometimes hear people talk about their childhood memories, things that happened to them when they were 2 or 3 years old. Not me, I don’t seem to have any of those, at least not many. My earliest memory is my Dad coming home from work in some kind of old car (don’t remember the model – it was just a black car, with running boards), and as he pulled into the driveway, I would run out to meet him.

He would stop, let me climb up on the running board, and then ease on up the driveway. It became a daily routine for me, to wait outside around 5:15 PM. I guess that’s why it stuck with me. Most of my childhood memories start up around age 7 or 8. One of the things that is seared into my memory like a hot branding iron happened in about 1956, when I was 11. Well, that guitar and amp was the gasoline that fueled my musical fire for the next 55 or so years, and it still smolders today.

Leflore Theater, Fulton & Washington Streets, Greenwood, MS (1942) - – Joe Seawright. Kallie North | Blog Archive » the current state of things. A chronicle of a life well-lived, from a Mississippi Delta childhood to the front pages of one of America's premier newspapers | Page 34. The 1934 Camp Ki-Y picture. Sara is second row, second from left, then Mary Charlotte Clarke, Lena White Miller and Mary Hayes Crow. Rawa is in center on the back row. I think Tiny is in fifth row, just left of center.

“In the summer of 1934 I went to Campy Ki-Y in Hot Springs, Arkansas, with most of my friends. Rawa was our counselor and Tiny went, too. I stayed for ten days. It was my first time away from home, and I was homesick some of the time, but had a good time too. “The camp was pretty rustic. “I made friends with a girl named Betty Sue Neves from Greenville, who was two years older than me, and I fell in love with one of the men counselors, at least seven or eight years older than me, Buster Smythe from Greenville also. Betty Sue Neves and Sara at camp, 1934 “We spent the night in the YMCA building in Greenville, on the floor, and caught a bus the next morning.

“The city opened up the municipal swimming pool next to the high school in the early ’30s. CC Lockwood. Girls Gone Greenwood: Road Trippin' in Mississippi. A few months back, a group of my girlfriends and I piled into a black SUV for a weekend getaway. As I was leaving, my husband looked at me in all seriousness, “Don’t get arrested.” I was a bit stunned. “We’re a group of practically middle-aged women in a mommobile. We’re the definition of ‘can’t get arrested!’”

“It’s thinking like that, which lands you in the jailhouse of Greenwood, Mississippi,” he warned. Greenwood, Miss. understands customer service. The clerk at the antique store made dinner reservations for us. If you decide to go hunting in Delta, I really can’t help you. The Alluvian Hotel and Spa The Alluvian bills itself as a “cosmopolitan boutique hotel in the heart of the Mississippi Delta.”

The Viking Cooking School Despite a recent sale to new owners, the Viking Range Corp. shows signs it will remain in Greenwood . Lusco’s Mississippi is like all Southern state with its quirky liquor laws. *Bridge photo courtesy of . A colorful adventure -- a blog of travel, agriculture, & photography. Not for The Fainthearted: Changing a Church’s Culture | achurchforstarvingartists.

The Ubiquitous Church Parlor Our book group just read Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly and – as I do with everything from Cooking Light magazine to Tillich, I read through the lens of Church World. Peter Drucker apparently once said, “ Culture eats strategy for breakfast .” In other words, we can make all the strategic plans in the world, but if those plans mess with our organization’s culture, the plans will never work . . . unless we change the culture. We need pastors who know how to change a congregation’s culture – albeit lovingly, pastorally, patiently, firmly.

But it’s essential for a congregation’s future to make such changes as we move into a post-Christian season. Too few of our pastors know how to do this. I love Brene Brown’s Ten Questions For Figuring Out An Organization’s Culture - again from Daring Greatly – and I have added common answers to her questions from churches I have known and loved.

Q1: What behaviors are rewarded? Q5: What are the sacred cows? Like this: Barefoot Workshops - Documentary Workshops. Homemade Coconut Butter. Lately I have been OBSESSED (that needed all caps for sure) with coconut butter. I eat it by the spoonful, put it in smoothies, bake with it, drizzle it on fruit, use it as a sandwich spread, saute veggies with it and more. Coconut butter is made up of the kind of fat that is good for you and your heart (just like avocado). Coconut butter is not coconut oil and surprisingly tastes much different. The taste reminds me of a candied coconut and let me just say it is freaking amazing. Not only is this unbelievably good it is also the easiest thing to make and you only need one ingredient...

What you will need: 5 cups of shredded unsweetened coconut (do not use coconut flakes or "reduced fat" shredded coconut, it will not work) * * I purchase already shredded unsweetened coconut in bulk from my local natural grocery store. Place the coconut butter into a container with a lid and store at room temperature. Enjoy :) Five Ways People in New Orleans are Different from Us «Where y'at? The New Orleans Course Where y'at? The New Orleans Course.

A note to my students: Most of you have never been to New Orleans. I grew up in the South, but only geography makes New Orleans part of the South. The people are different and that is wholly a good thing. Most of you are New Englanders. I am still learning, but I’m willing to share some of the insights that I have gained over the years. Spotted Cat, Frenchmen Street, March 2008. People in New Orleans are naturally polite. People in New Orleans are seldom in a hurry. Conversation with homeowner, Chalmette, St. People in New Orleans will talk to anyone at anytime about anything. People in New Orleans never apologize for having a good time. Queen of the second line, March 2010. People in New Orleans still appreciate the work of volunteers. Like this: Like Loading... 10 Tips for Using Long Telephoto Lenses. By: Luis Argerich Long telephoto lenses are typically used for wildlife and bird photography but they can also be used for macro shots and landscapes, here are a few tips to improve your long focal length shots. 1.

Use a fast Shutter Speed With a long lens freezing the subject motion is critical and even when the subject is not moving you have to avoid vibrations and camera-shake. 2. With shorter focal lengths using the lens “sweet spot” is a good idea to get sharper photos, that’s usually 1 or 2 stops past the lens maximum aperture, mostly around F8. 3. A long lens needs support for two big reasons. 4. A long lens can be used as an excellent macro lens adding an extension tube, you can get really good magnification and excellent distance from your subject. 5. When you use a long lens you will have a very thin depth of field. 6.

The moon is always a great subject with a long lens. 7. When you use a long lens you can create a sense of depth by having something in front of your subject. 8. Afternoon MoJoe. Grand Isle. After a hectic week in New Orleans we were ready to kick back a bit so we headed to Grand Isle, the only populated barrier island in Louisiana. When we called for a reservation Michelle was surprised to hear our name was Tidball as Lanny, her husband, had an uncle by marriage named Tidball. We did share our family stories but I don't think we are directly related. I have encountered a few Tidballs on our travels but none have been connected to any known relatives. The isle reminds us a lot of the way our favorite beach, Hatteras Island, used to be with its many small beach homes and only locally owned businesses. A big difference here is oil industry facility to service the off shore platforms.

The drive from NOLA to Grand Isle is along canals and bayous all the way to the gulf. The last 20 miles is over a couple long bridges and a causeway with many big trucks on their way to an oil facility on the island. Here is a look at Grand Isle from the last bridge. A rose-breasted grosbeak. “You Don’t Have to Live Your Life the Way Other People Expect You To.” « The Happiness Project. Your Life is Far Too Valuable to Live Like Everyone Else. End of the Road: Jefferson Parish's Town of Jean Lafitte. The WriteMemphis Blog | The Weblog of WriteMemphis, by Emma Connolly. Home. Welcome to Emmaville. Some Info on Our Bloggers. | The WriteMemphis Blog. Cleanse – A Design So Vast. Publishing Trends - News, opinions, and stats in the changing world of book publishing. A CUP OF JO. Just Another American in Paris. Miami Street Photographer. The Dark Side of the Moon.