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Context (environment and culture)

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In Which Diversity Isn't a Myth. The Basics of Weapons. Writing tips. Creation Myths. This web site was completed for a high school Latin course. The asssignment was to explore some asset of classical culture and compare it to another culture, either modern of historic. It was done for Brian McCarthy's Latin II class. Lindsey Murtagh It is in the nature of humans to wonder about the unknown and search for answers. At the foundation of nearly every culture is a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to be.

These myths have an immense influence on people's frame of reference. Many creation myths begin with the theme of birth. A supreme being appears in almost every myth. Not all cultures imagine life starting on earth . According to some cultures humans and animals once lived together peacefully. We continue to wonder. To reach any page on this document click on the link you want from the list below. Buildings. Fictional writing.