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13 Valuable Non-blogging Plugins for WordPress | tripwire magazi. While WordPress is one of the biggest names in blogging, its value reaches far beyond the blogosphere. WordPress delivers exceptional performance in a wide variety of forms including forums, job boards, wordpress e-commerce themes, WordPress photography templates and plenty more.

It is a content management system with a seemingly endless range of talents. This article looks at 13 non-blogging plugins that use WordPress to get business done, get information disseminated or discussed, engage in social networking, and present your content to the world. We hope you’ll find many ways to make more use of the tools you already have when you drop these valuable plugins into the mix! Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). Advertisement 1. This versatile plugin gives users an easy way to set up a free business directory page for all of those who interact with their site.

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