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Programmer's Stone

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'Stress, Neurodegeneration and Individual Differences' by Robert Sapolsky. WhyNot? Idea Exchange. Mappers' Wiki. How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code - Technology. The programming website Project Euler provides a plan for how to learn anything in fun, discrete steps When Colin Hughes was about eleven years old his parents brought home a rather strange toy.

How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code - Technology

It wasn't colorful or cartoonish; it didn't seem to have any lasers or wheels or flashing lights; the box it came in was decorated, not with the bust of a supervillain or gleaming protagonist, but bulleted text and a picture of a QWERTY keyboard. It called itself the "ORIC-1 Micro Computer. " The package included two cassette tapes, a few cords and a 130-page programming manual. On the whole it looked like a pretty crappy gift for a young boy. Do As One.


Creativity and What Blocks It. The Programmers’ Stone.