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The Gadgeteer. Used tyre swing horse. Warning Label Generator. Powertrekk | A fuel cell charger for instant power anywhere. Ouch! Comic Strip Bandages. KeyTool: Key-sized bottle opener and multi-tool. Bottle opener and multi-tool that fits over your house key. Overview: At less than a tenth-of-an-inch thick, the KeyTool is the most unobtrusive bottle opener we've ever seen. The multi-functional tool is like a glove that fits around a standard house key and features, in addition to the uber-useful bottle opener, three sizes of screwdriver, a nail file, a cutter, and tweezers. The stainless steel KeyTool will hardly be noticeable in your pocket, but will inevitably come to your aid countless times for life's little emergencies. Features & specs: Dimensions: 2" x 0.75" x 0.125"Material: stainless steelIncludes bottle opener, three sizes of screwdriver, tweezers, nail file, and cutterBarely thicker than a key (0.04" thick per side)Fits nearly any standard size house keyKeyring included The KeyTool Bottle Opener + Multi-Tool is like an "awesome sheath" for a standard house key.

The clever design uses the length of your house key for added leverage in popping caps. Answer: Incredibly well. The Free Universal Construction Kit. Ever wanted to connect your Legos and Tinkertoys together? Now you can — and much more. Announcing the Free Universal Construction Kit: a set of adapters for complete interoperability between 10 popular construction toys. Fig. 1. The Free Universal Construction Kit. Overview Video by Riley Harmon for F.A.T. Lab + Sy-Lab. F.A.T. The Free Universal Construction Kit offers adapters between Lego, Duplo, Fischertechnik, Gears!

Motivation Our kids are already doing it! Opening doors to new creative worlds is one major reason we created the Free Universal Construction Kit. The Kit offers a “best of all worlds” approach to play and learning that combines the advantages of each toy system. Finally, in producing the Free Universal Construction Kit, we hope to demonstrate a model of reverse engineering as a civic activity: a creative process in which anyone can develop the necessary pieces to bridge the limitations presented by mass-produced commercial artifacts. Download Figure 2. We (F.A.T. Fig. 9. Covert. Carton Boxes. Marameo Design | Bloxes. Ita | Eng Download PDF containing the assembly instructions. Robert Brauer :: random walks across computer science and procrastination shred: Hacking Expedit. Recently we decided to beef up our bland ikea furniture a bit.

The victim was an expedit rack that we use as a hi-fi rack in our living room. I am a huge fan of pixel art and would cover my whole appartement in 8-bit if I could. Anyhow, as we wanted it to be something that is functional and nice to look at, we decided the only reasonable thing to do is to cover the whole rack with a curtain of dice. From a functional perspective, this had two benefits. First it stabilised the rack by making it heavy and rigid, which makes it a perfect base plate for a vinyl player. Secondly it hides the mess in the rack. We finished it for quite some time now and are really happy with the results. Step 1: At first, we chose an appropriate image. Step 2: Using the Pixastic library we built a javascript based prototype (that you can find online here). Step 3: In a final step, we replaced every grey pixel within the image with its counterpart symbol for the face of the dice.

Our final rack: And this is it: NUD Collection. Snoerboer - Home page. Laser Ball. Nest | The Learning Thermostat | Home. Concrete Canvas - Rapidly Deployable Infrastructure. ΦΤΙΑΧΝΩ ΜΟΝΟΣ ΜΟΥ: Ιστοσελίδες ιδιοκατασκευών εναλλακτικών μορφών ενέργειας. Badgematic Button GmbH. Digital projection clock — LicrymWiki. Материал из LicrymWiki Сделай сам проекционные часы. Захотелось мне обзавестись проекционными часами в комнату. Удобная вещь – просыпаешься – смотришь в потолок, а там время огромными цифрами горит. Пробег по магазинам показал – дешевле чем за 1000 рублей мне сие чудо техники не найти. Вторая немаловажная деталь – источник света. 300 рублей за светодиод мощностью 3 ватта в принципе терпимо, да и прокормить этого монстра (ток до 1 А) можно, проблема встала где достать у нас в городе. В качестве источника питания был куплен универсальный (1,5В-12В 300мА) китайский блок питания. Ну и в закромах были найдены 2 выпуклые линзы, вытащенные из какого-то проектора.

Шлейфик в кадре тоже был найден в закромах, он кажется был вытащен из cd-rom привода. Приступим к модернизации экранчика. Далее вторая проблема – как подвести сигнал к экранчику. Припаяем шлейф к часам: И соберем всё вместе: Как мы видим у нас всё получилось. Я решил делать корпус из толстого картона. Склеим первую часть часов: Digital projection clock 2 — LicrymWiki. Материал из LicrymWiki Самодельные проекционные часы (вариант номер два.) Cтатья практически дублирует статью по первым проекционным часам, но прочитать всё же стоит. Начнем с материалов. Основная конструкция часов выполнена из толстого плотного картона, такой картон используют для корочек книги или вставляют для жесткости в обложку папок.

Линзы правда были куплены и обточены под заказ в оптике — 2 стеклянные линзы на +25 диоптрий. В качестве окуляра мы будем использовать обычный люстровый патрон для ламп, он имеет наружную резьбу и специальную гайку. Дисплей Первым делом нужно сделать дисплей цифр работающий на просвет. Если пленки матовые, то желательно их удалить и заменить на глянцевые, иначе будет теряться ощутимая часть светового потока. На место платы установим изготовленную нами платочку. Разделительные канавки прорезаны канцелярским ножом. Светодиод Обычно ток через светодиод 20 мА. Оптика Оптика у нас довольно проста — всего 2 линзы. Цифры даны приблизительные. Сборка. Analog projection clock — LicrymWiki. Материал из LicrymWiki This clock is very simple and contain no lenses. Take quartz clock: Disassembly it: To start it move backwards we need to flip iron core of coil (not polarity, iron core is asymmetric): Next step - making of reflective face.

I am use a piece of mirror, but you can use disk from HDD, but it may require extra length of clock hands. Drilling mirror: Easy way to paint marks with permanent marker. As light source i am used SMD white LED, it worked better than LED in 5mm diameter package. All adjustments come to change position of LED We finished! See also (sorry, in russian, but photos quite informative) digital projection clock, digital projection clock 2 warm greeting from yekaterinburg, russia.

The easiest model railroad design software. Mini CNC. Home. My DIY Wind turbine. The World's Leading Maker of Safe 10-inch Table Saws » How It Works. Mame Ikea NoteBook.

Oleophobic surfaces

Egg Watchers: the egg timer that entertains you. This 26-Year-Old Is Making Millions Cutting Out Traditional Publishers With Amazon Kindle. Pine Adirondack Chair Plans. Pine Adirondack Chair Plans Materials List Begin by making a pattern for the chair sides. The sides of this chair also function as the rear legs and are the real foundation of the chair. You can use heavy cardboard or 1/4-in. Make the angled cuts on the ends of the side blanks using a sliding miter saw, table saw or circular saw.

Proceed now to making the front rail. Bore and counterbore pilot holes in the front rail for fastening it to the sides. Next, clamp one of the chair sides in a workbench vise with its front end pointing up. Apply polyurethane glue to the end of the chair side. Position the front rail over the side, and drive the screws to fasten the two pieces. Cut the back stretcher to size. Rip and crosscut the front legs to size. Use a sabre saw to cut the arm brackets, and remove any saw marks with a pass from a block plane.

Transfer the arm profile to the arm blanks, and cut the arms to shape using a sabre saw. Temporarily position the arm assembly over the chair base. 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For. Play Pen Balls Unlimited.