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Pulled beef – långbakad högrev med lök och chili - Recept - Det finns otaliga recept på pulled beef på nätet. Vår variant innehåller ingen färdig barbecuesås utan lagas på lök, paprika, tomat och kryddor – bland annat torkade chilifrukter, helst milda så att man kan använda tillräckligt för att få en rejäl, fräsch chilismak utan att det blir för starkt. Får du inte tag i torkad hel chili kan du givetvis använda färsk chili eller chilipulver. Du behöver en rejäl stekgryta med lock för att göra pulled beef. Det tar lång tid – men nästan inget arbete. Släng ihop den samtidigt som du lagar lunch så är den klar till middagen! 1 kg högrev typ 10 st milda, torkade chilifrukter (eller 2-3 msk milt chilipulver) 2 stora lökar (gula eller röda= 2-3 klyftor vitlök 2 tomater 1 röd paprika 1 msk socker 1 msk rödvinsvinäger ½ tsk salt ½ tsk grovmald svartpeppar 1 tsk spiskummin Sätt ugnen på 125 grader.

Grytan, innan köttet åker i ovanpå. Ingredienser för en riktigt god pulled beef. The Neuroscience Of Learning: 41 Terms Every Teacher Should Know - TeachThought. The Neuroscience Of Learning: 41 Terms Every Teacher Should Know by Judy Willis M.D., M.Ed., As education continues to evolve, adding in new trends, technologies, standards, and 21st century thinking habits, there is one constant that doesn’t change.

The human brain. But neuroscience isn’t exactly accessible to most educators, rarely published, and when it is, it’s often full of odd phrasing and intimidating jargon. Worse, there seems to be a disconnect between the dry science of neurology, and the need teachers have for relevant tools, resources, and strategies in the classroom. In regards to the disconnect, we’ll continue to strive to create content that is both expert and accessible, as The Simple Things I Do To Promote Brain-Based Learning In My Classroom As for the jargon, Judy Willis, teacher, neuroscientist, and consultant has put together an A-Z glossary of relevant neuroscience terms for teachers and administrators to help clarify the jargon.

Baby steps. Amygdala Axon. 10 ways Twitter makes me a better educator. 1). Twitter is the most powerful tool in helping me to take control and responsibility of my own learning. Twitter provides me what I want when I need it, which results in me not needing formalized PD to grow and develop. I am no longer dependent upon others for my learning and my growth, which is quite empowering. 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). 9). 10). The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter. Part of an occasional series about the way digital culture affects the way we think, learn and live. Sara: Haha there was a weird comercial for computers that had flying sumo wrestlers John: Hahaha saweeeeet I’m still tryin to picture how that works Sarah: Haha yeah so am I this opening ceremony is so weird John: It must be Sarah K: Now there’s little kids doing karate This is a typical teenage text exchange captured by an academic.

Now, multiply that by 60, and you’ve got the median number of messages sent and received daily by kids using mobile phones. Add five hours or so a day spent online, where the most common activity is yet more typing away on social networks. This outpouring often produces an anguished outcry, particularly in September as kids head back to school and screen time starts competing with homework: Technology, pundits warn, is zombifying our young and wrecking their ability to communicate clearly.

But is this actually “the dumbest generation”? Literate? It hadn’t. How To Create A Perfect Tweet [INFOGRAPHIC] « AllTwitter. 22 Ways To Use Twitter For Learning Based On Bloom's Taxonomy. Last year we created a “twitter spectrum,” an image that clarified different ways that twitter could be used in the classroom in (hopefully) authentic ways. TeachBytes has followed that up with an excellent graphic of their own that uses a pure Bloom’s Taxonomy approach.

The specific ideas range from “remix trending tweets with video and music” to creating concept maps showing the relationship between tweets. We must admit to going back and forth over the exact fit of a social media platform like twitter in a formal (or informal) learning environment. Clearly it’s a great way to skim and monitor information streams, but just like we wouldn’t use sing Shakespearean sonnets to toddlers at birthday parties, using twitter as an in-depth critical thinking tool requires a bit of squinting, even as an Avante-garde 21st century learning tool. Unless you’re using it as a cultural survey of sorts. Or study media design. Or following experts. As with all things, sweet spot matters. 10 Little-Known Twitter Tools For Connected Educators. There’s an array of Twitter tools that make the rounds on the ol’ edtech circle. We chat about Hootsuite , , and quite a bit.

But there are a lot of little-known Twitter tools that don’t see the light of day on sites like Edudemic. So I thought this would be a good time to start fixing that. We’re creating a series of helpful posts designed to turn you on to a few tools that you may not know about – but will be anxious to try once you learn about them. Got a tool that you think should be included in this list?

Add it down in the comments and we’ll add it to the next post in this series! Just Tweet It Just Tweet It is a user directory for Twitter organized by genre to allow for users to easily find other Twitter users to connect with. Twibs Twibs lets you find, follow and interact with businesses, apps and services on Twitter.

Twittonary The Twitter Dictionary aka Twittonary provides explanations of various Twitter related words. We Follow Twitscoop Friend or Follow Qwitter. 22 Effective Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom. Using Twitter in the classroom is a no-brainer. It’s a powerful and free tool that already has wide adoption among educators, students, administrators, and parents. So how do you effectively use Twitter to resonate with students? Why not start by using the following methods that are organized by Bloom’s Taxonomy? The below visual showcases a variety of cases that should be of use for any teacher looking to effectively integrate Twitter into courses, lessons, projects, etc.

What if you could use your favorite social network in the classroom? That’d be the cat’s pajamas. (For our many international readers not familiar with that term, it simply means ‘that’d be great.’) You can actually use Twitter with Bloom’s Taxonomy thanks to this below table built by TeachBytes . Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter. Stage 1 Sign up to twitter following persuasion/pestering by colleagues.

Follow Stephen Fry, a famous sportsman/popstar and a news channel. Read a few tweets, don’t understand what the fuss is about and mock anyone who uses twitter. Stage 2 Overhear colleagues chatting about twitter and a great article they found. Promise to give it a go again and follow two or three recommendations. Find articles interesting and wonder how to get more. Stage 3 Think about posting first tweet. Stage 4 Upon realising you have no followers ask colleagues how to get them? Stage 5 Have a mini twitter conversation with colleague, even retweet a couple of statements. Stage 6 Practise a couple of tweets that include @names and hashtags. Stage 7 Retweet any link you find interesting as people might read them. Stage 8 Thank colleagues for introducing you to twitter, impressed with the knowledge you have gleaned and your growing number of followers. Stage 9 Stage 10 (the reason for this post) Like this: Like Loading... 15 ed tech Twitter accounts you need to follow.

Twitter firar sju år | 99mac. Man faces 18 months in jail over Twitter parody. A man in Chile is facing 18 months in jail after a businessman accused him of identity theft over Twitter parody accounts. Rodrigo Ferrari Prieto is accused of being behind three now inactive accounts that mocked Chilean business mogul Andrónico Luksic and his family, according to Global Voices. Luksic's lawyer said tweets were posted under Luksic's name, along with personal photos and "inappropriate comments" that damaged his client's reputation. Ferrari Prieto claimed he was behind only one of the three accounts, which used an avatar of money falling and a description that read "we have tons of money. " He said account was a joke and should not be considered a crime. Twitter has clear guidelines for parody, commentary, and fan accounts, which state the accounts must clearly identify themselves as a parody and refrain from deceptive communication with others.

According to La Tercera, he allegedly created the accounts between March and December of 2010. Awesome Twitter Cheat Sheet for Teachers. 25 Twitter Tips For Students, Parents, And Teachers. How To Use Mood Boards For Visual Learning 5.03K Views 0 Likes Mood boards are used for photography, game design, interior design, marketing, fashion, music, advertising and even architecture; but who’s to say they shouldn’t be used in the classroom? (You might be doing this already!) A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners. You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. ( Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!) But you may not be a full-fledged Twitter user … yet. This dense and highly visual approach to understanding Twitter is just great.

The below infographic is basically a beginner’s guide to Twitter except it’s one easy-to-read format: infographics! Click the image below to enlarge it a bit – that’ll help view some of the smaller text. 100 Twitter Tips For Teachers. Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure.

It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. You have to start somewhere and these tips will help ensure that your first foray in Twitter is a great experience. Organize your Twitter. Twitter has made it simple to keep things organized and makes looking through tweets a breeze. The Internet may be a virtual Wild West but there are some unspoken rules of engagement you should know before adding your two cents into the mix. Twellow. Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom. By Anibal Pacheco, TeachThought intern Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom If you are an Educator looking to use Twitter in the classroom you might have noticed most tweets include a #Hashtag.

The use of the # sign with a word attached to it makes up one. Hashtags trace their history to IRC (Internet Relay Chat) networks where they are used to label groups and topics. When Twitter came into the social media scene users quickly adopted hashtags as a way to group Twitter messages based on a particular subject or topic. I would recommend you search hashtag directory services like, and to see if somebody is using the one you want. When you visit one of these services you can enter a hashtag, view what it means and register yours using Twitter’s app authentication system. Here are some examples for Hashtag usage in the classroom. 1. Have your students engage in class discussion through the use of Twitter. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 20 Interesting Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom.

DATORN i UTBILDNINGEN. TMIKAEL PARKNÄS Rektor, Smedingeskolan, Kungsbacka E-post: I huvudet på en skolledare Sociala medier - verktyg för skolutveckling I en tidigare krönika berättade jag om Smedingeskolans utvecklingsstrategi som bygger på fyra delar: Best practice - dela-kultur - samarbetslärande - nätverkande! De fyra hörnstenarna är till olika delar beroende av vår omvärldsbevakning via sociala medier.

Begreppet "det utvidgade lärarrummet" betyder att det finns tusentals kolleger runt om i världen på sociala medier. Ett roligt exempel var när våra TT-pedagoger hade en diskussion med ämneslaget i MaNO om hur de kan använda datorn i undervisningen, Då skickade man ut en fråga på Twitter och fick tillbaka många tips och ideer från pedagoger runt om i landet. Sociala medier är numera större än traditionella medier på Internet. Strategiskt redskap för skolledningen Min kollega Anders Norén och jag twittrar sedan två år tillbaka.


60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category. Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought’s favorite), and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom.

Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. These ideas offer a great way to put the tool to good use. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom. Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer. Writing Skills.