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Data Visualisation & Storytelling. Visualisation of Airbnb through the years: Barcelona. Searching for Syria. INFOGRAPHIE - Eurovision: qui vote pour qui? En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez nos CGU et l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts.

INFOGRAPHIE - Eurovision: qui vote pour qui?

Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer les cookies... Ed and Periodic Videos. Messi: Los 500 goles al detalle, temporada por temporada. Cruceros con menos regulación ambiental que un buque de guerra - Univision. Un crucero flota majestuosamente entre glaciares en Alaska.

Cruceros con menos regulación ambiental que un buque de guerra - Univision

Los turistas se rinden ante la magnitud del paisaje helado y enmudecen ante su belleza prístina. In Defense of Interactive Graphics. No, interactive graphics are not dead.

In Defense of Interactive Graphics

It is also not true that “85% of the Times‘ page visitors online simply ignore interactive infographics altogether“. But since I sort of helped creating this confusion, I think it’s time to set this straight: Interactive graphics are still great, and thereare a lot of good reasons to make them! Knowing that the majority of readers doesn’t click buttons does not mean you shouldn’t use any buttons. UConn women's basketball: the most dominant team in the world – interactive. Their 112th and 113th straight wins.

UConn women's basketball: the most dominant team in the world – interactive

A fifth consecutive national championship. And a 12th title overall. Whether or not the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team wants to acknowledge it, that’s the history at stake at this weekend’s Final Four in Dallas, where they will face Mississippi State in Friday’s national semifinals for a place in Sunday’s championship game. The Huskies are one of the most dominant college teams ever and even that might understate the case. Earlier this season, they broke the previous NCAA record of 90 consecutive victories, which they themselves set from 2008-10. The Huskies haven’t lost a game since 17 November 2014 when they fell 86-88 in overtime to fellow Final Four contender Stanford. Trump budget cuts: U.S. federal funding 2018 - Washington Post. Border security – Illegal immigration issues in Europe, U.S. - Washington Post. The Waypoint: The Washington Post follows refugees on their journey through Lesbos to Europe - Washington Post.

Log In. Nuestro equipo visitante. Osmar Barba era un futbolista clásico del fútbol español, como tantos otros.

Nuestro equipo visitante

Salió de la cantera del Racing de Santander y apenas tuvo oportunidad en el primer equipo: 13 partidos en tres temporadas. El Racing bajó a Segunda en 2012 y Osmar se encontró en la gran disyuntiva: debía salir del equipo de toda su vida. "En ese momento recibí una oferta del fútbol tailandés y me asombré. Era mucho dinero en comparación a lo que podía llegar a cobrar en un Segunda o Segunda B de España. Francia 'asalta' la Champions. Sexo, Maracas y Chihuahuas: La increíble vida de Xavier Cugat. US Elections 2016: 50 more interactive visualizations to explore. 2016 U.S. Elections: 50 Interactive visualizations to explore. In just a few hours, the 2016 Presidential election in the United States enters a new level, with the first debate between the Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton and her Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

2016 U.S. Elections: 50 Interactive visualizations to explore

And in this particular election, to “get to another level” is saying a lot, because, let’s face it, the bar is already pretty high – or pretty low, depending on your point of view. An unprecedented election in so many ways, none of which as significant as the fact that it’s the first time a woman gets nominated by a major american party to run for President. Hillary Clinton will hopefully make history in November, 8, and today she has an unique opportunity take a major step towards that end. The first of three debates will be held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., moderated by Lester Holt, the anchor of NBC Nightly News. It’s expected that a record-breaking audience will follow the event on television, Internet live streams and social media. Who Will Be President? 2016 U.S. World POTUS by Accurat and Google News Lab. Clinton vs. Trump. Neix Hillary Diane Rodham, el 26 d'octubre, a Chicago (Illinois).

Clinton vs. Trump

Filla gran del propietari d'una botiga de teixits, va créixer en una família de classe mitjana amb dos germans petits. How Saudi Arabia's airstrikes have hit civilian life in Yemen. Irene Cabello, la lucha por ser la mejor - Irene Cabello, una luchadora por convicción. Han leído bien: el sábado tiene un combate.

Irene Cabello, la lucha por ser la mejor - Irene Cabello, una luchadora por convicción

Estamos ante una luchadora de MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), una interesante disciplina de pelea que combina cuatro modalidades: jiu jitsu, lucha libre, kick boxing y muay thai. Ese es el sueño de Irene Cabello: convertirse en una campeona de MMA. -¿Por qué? –le preguntamos. -Al principio, mis padres querían que estudiara más. The SXSW16 Stolen Manifesto. [INFOGRAPHIC] Fake Football Merchandising in UK: Facts and Figures. Scaling Mt. Everest: A scroll up the icy path - Washington Post. How Much Warmer Was Your City in 2015?

Cuba on the Edge of Change. Photographs by THE NEW YORK TIMES Text by AZAM AHMED at times can feel like a nation abandoned.

Cuba on the Edge of Change

The aching disrepair of its cities, the untamed foliage of its countryside, the orphaned coastlines — a half-century of isolation has wrapped the country in decay. Yet few places in the world brim with as much life as Cuba, a contrast drawn sharper amid its faded grandeur. They wait, coiled with anticipation. Breaking out of Havana is essential, eye-opening, often impossible.

From the outside, the destruction is palpable. The revolution is over. Sin Maletas: Historias De Refugiados Desde El Exilio. “Cuando los elefantes luchan, la única que sufre es la hierba”.

Sin Maletas: Historias De Refugiados Desde El Exilio

Antiguo proverbio africano Esta historia comienza un domingo, a la hora del desayuno. How Much Warmer Was Your City in 2015? Stories of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon – Life on Hold. Which Star Wars Planet Should You Vacation To? Imagine a time when you don’t have to take a boring vacation to places like Hawaii, Europe, or Tokyo. Instead you’ll travel across the galaxy to far-off planets such as: Endor, Naboo, and Coruscant. You’d be able to walk with Dungans, fight alongside Jedi masters, and bet on pod-racing. Campañas Electorales Novedosas. La banda sonora dels 5 anys de l'ARA #Arafem5anys. "El Papa dels pobres", "El Papa progressista", "Jesuïta", "Argentí".

Jorge Mario Bergoglio acumula etiquetes des que el 2013 va ser escollit pontífex. Els gairebé tres anys que han passat de pontificat han portat molts canvis en les formes i alguns en el contingut que han remogut els sectors més conservadors de l'Església. El papa Francesc no viu al Palau Apostòlic, porta unes sabates velles i no viatja en el papamòbil blindat. Museum of the World. The 10 Best Infographics To Inspire Content Marketers. According to Google, searches for the term "infographic" have increased over 800% in the last two years. In the last four hours alone, the hashtag #infographic has been used 3,300 times, with monthly totals bouncing up to 342,000.

While all of these numbers are interesting, don't you think you'd be able to process them quicker if I'd have represented them visually? Science says yes: we process visual imagery 60,000 times faster than text, and this is part of the reason that infographics are so appealing in the age of the short attention span.

But making a good infographic isn't easy. It requires a deft, creative design eye alongside a willingness to stick to branding and messaging. 1. 2. 3.