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Facebook Twitter Vibrational Modes of a Circular Membrane. Open Channel Flow Calculator. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams. This article is part of the solid mechanics course, aimed at engineering students. Please leave feedback in the discussion section above. What is shear force? [edit] Below a force of 10N is exerted at point A on a beam. This is an external force. However because the beam is a rigid structure,the force will be internally transferred all along the beam. The idea of shear force might seem odd, maybe this example will help clarify.

Please note that this is not the full explanation of what shear force actually is. Basic shear diagram[edit] What if there is more than one force, as shown in the diagram below, what would the shear force diagram look like then? The way you go about this is by figuring out the shear force at points A,B,C,E (as there is an external force acting at these points). Shear force at D = 10N - 20N + 40N = 30Newtons Now, let's do this for point B.

Shear force at B = 10N Now place your paper JUST after point B: Shear force at B = 10N - 20N = -10N (B' is vertically below B) point A: Toyota Prius - Power Split Device. If you have no mathematical or mechanical understanding of hybrid technology or even regular engine components, this will help you get a feel for how the PSD allows the car to use power from an internal combustion engine (ICE) , as well as 2 electric Motor/Generators (MG1 and MG2), all spinning at different and variable speeds. The PSD even allows the smaller of the two Motor/Generators, MG1, to act as a starter for the ICE, thereby eliminating another component of a traditional gasoline engine. The model below allows you vary the speed of both the ICE, and MG2. MG2 is the larger of the 2 electric motor/generators and is also referred to as the traction motor because its speed (RPM, or revolutions per minute) has a fixed relationship to the speed of the wheels.

Dragging the MG2 slider, you'll see that the speedometer changes, while changing the speed of the ICE does not directly affect speed. Once you master that concept you'll start to see how the CVT function works. Materials for Heat Exchanger Tubes. Introduction Heat exchangers take heat from one fluid and pass it to a second. The fire-tube array of a steam engine is a heat exchanger, taking heat from the hot combustion gases of the firebox and transmitting it to the water in the boiler. The network of finned tubes in an air conditioner is a heat exchanger, taking heat from the air of the room and dumping it into the working fluid of the conditioner.

The radiator in a car performs a similar function. A key element in all heat exchangers is the tube wall or membrane which separates the two fluids. What are the best materials for making heat exchangers? Figure 1 Schematic of a heat exchanger Design Requirements Table 1 The Model First, a little background on heat flow.

In which h1 is the heat transfer coefficient and DT1 is the temperature drop across the surface from fluid 1 into the wall. Where l is the thermal conductivity of the wall (thickness t) and D T12 is the temperature difference across it. This is the objective function. Mechanical Engineering Software - Engineering Power Tools. Shear Force and Bending Moment - Materials - Engineering Reference with Worked Examples. Ask Us - Helicopter Yaw Control Methods. Helicopter Yaw Control Methods Referring to the question on how a helicopter without a tail rotor can yaw and conteract the torque effect, I have seen helicopters on TV shows that only had ONE main rotor and NO tail rotor.

These helicopters contradict your answer, so how do they work? - question from Tieo Jing Jin As you may know, yaw is the ability of a vehicle to rotate from left to right. In previous answers concerning the yaw control of helicopters (#1 and #2), we discussed how a tail rotor is used to maintain yaw control and counteract the torque effect. To fully understand the purpose of tail rotors and helicopter yaw control, we must go back in time to the 1600s when Sir Isaac Newton developed his laws of motion.

Depending on who you ask and how you count, there are four different ways to counteract the force of the main rotor: a tail rotor, twin non-coaxial rotors (either tandem, side-by-side, or intermeshing), twin coaxial rotors, and the NOTAR system. Tail Rotor: Twin Coaxial: Gear template generator. This free online gear template generator is designed for making scale accurate paper gear templates which you can glue onto wood and then cut out with a bandsaw. I recommend printing the gears with an ink jet printer. Even cheap ink jet printers print very scale accurate but Not all laser printers are accurate.

You can still access the old (pre 2015) Flash based gear geberator Getting the printout to scale correctly, avoiding cropping Different browsers print at different scales depending on browser type and printer configuration. The default scale should be correct for firefox, Internet explorer 10 and Google Chrome. If the scale is not correct (that is, the grid is not 1 cm increments), measure the distance that is labeled "If this is not 150 mm...

" in millimeters and enter it in the field "Measured cal distance". Use an ink jet printer I recommend using an ink jet printer. Some notes about gear design and this gear template generator The gear tooth generation is not perfect. Animated Engines - Home. Materials - Engineering Numerical Components in C and C++ On-Line Friction Piping Loss. Mechanical Engineer Students Resource Site.