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Websites. How to take incredible photos with your phone. We recently discovered that the iPhone has become the most commonly used camera among Flickr users.

How to take incredible photos with your phone

Of course, there are photography purists who will say that taking a photo with your phone isn’t the same as using a sophisticated SLR camera, but the results speak for themselves. An improvement in the quality of camera phones, coupled with some great apps that really let you get creative, and you’d be amazed what kinds of photos you can take with your phone. - Discovery Apps through the Power of People. iPhone Video Tips‬‏ 13 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life - iPhone Battery Life Tips. Anyone who’s used an iPhone for even a few days has discovered that while these phones are more powerful, and more fun, than perhaps any other cell or smart phone, that fun comes with a price: battery use.

13 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life - iPhone Battery Life Tips

Any halfway intensive iPhone user will recharge their phone almost every couple of days. There are ways to conserve iPhone battery life, but many of them involve turning off services and features, which makes it a choice between all the cool things that the iPhone can do and having enough juice to do them. Here are 17 tips to help you extend your iPhone battery life, including new tips for iOS 7. You don't need to follow all of them (what fun would that be?) , but following some will help you conserve juice.