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Cloud Computing Management Platform by RightScale. Main Page - GuidePost: KR Collaborative Learning Environment. Professional Services Enterprise: Manage people, projects, custo. Maximize your investment in Salesforce, Google and Workday Appirio's Cloud products help you make the most of your investments in Salesforce, Google and Workday by making it easy to connect, extend and measure these applications. Cloud Metrics Appirio Cloud Metrics for Salesforce helps you pinpoint the hidden complexity in your Salesforce instance and identify ways to optimize your application for peak performance. Cloud Metrics benchmarks the key metrics of your Salesforce instance, including configurations, customizations, administration complexity and adoption, against other companies to help you identify where you stand relative to others and where you should focus to optimize the performance of your application. Cloud Metrics helps you: Sign up for your FREE one-time Cloud Metrics Report today.

Get Started CloudFactor CloudFactor brings relevant customer and prospect information from into Google Apps. Cloud Sync Get it Now! Get Started. Enterprise Cloud Computing | CloudSwitch. Janakiram MSV - Cloud Computing Strategist. Cloud-Cast℠ | Cast IT into the cloud. Gartner: 1 in 5 businesses will dump all IT assets as they move. Cloud computing will become so pervasive that by 2012, one out of five businesses will own no IT assets at all, the analyst firm Gartner is predicting. The shift toward cloud services hosted outside the enterprise's firewall will necessitate a major shift in the IT hardware markets, and shrink IT staff, Gartner said. [ Get the no-nonsense explanations and advice you need to take real advantage of cloud computing in InfoWorld editors' 21-page Cloud Computing Deep Dive PDF special report. | Stay up on the cloud with InfoWorld's Cloud Computing Report newsletter. ] FAQ: Cloud computing, demystified "The need for computing hardware, either in a data center or on an employee's desk, will not go away," Gartner said.

"However, if the ownership of hardware shifts to third parties, then there will be major shifts throughout every facet of the IT hardware industry. But it's not just cloud computing that is driving a movement toward "decreased IT hardware assets," in Gartner's words. Application Governance & Management: Distributed, Composite, RightScale Launches MindTouch Powered Support Portal | MindTouch. RightScale, the leader in cloud computing management, recently launched their new MindTouch powered Collaborative Network for self service-support and product documentation. This innovative property provides users structure, search and discoverability to what was an inherently unstructured and disconnected knowledge base. Content consists of tutorials, videos, references, and frequently asked questions. The MindTouch platform made the development of a customized Collaborative Network rapid and painless. Innovations in the property include dynamically updated navigation tools that expose potentially overlooked portions of documentation.

Collaborative editing. The web property takes advantage of the latest capabilities from the MindTouch Lyons release. The key stakeholders at RightScale had the following to say about their engagement with MindTouch: “MindTouch was helpful during each phase of our project. Damien @DamienH. Cloudworks - Homepage.