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Specialist Schools and Academies Trust The Schools Network e-shop Contact us Resources Google First, Think Second « Endless Possibilities v3.0 A while ago I wrote a blog post about a molecule I was particularly fond of as part of a chemistry meme (May 2010 I will not name the molecule for reasons that will become clear later. About 7 months later I noticed that my blog was getting a number of hits from people searching for the formula of the molecule in question, the synthesis and characterisation of which formed part of my laboratory course in spectroscopy. More to the point, those queries, coming from my university for the most part, were framed exactly like the questions that I’d written in the pre-laboratory exercise for the experiment. OK, so what’s the big deal?

Open University Welcome to the free OpenLearn course on open education. This course runs over seven weeks and is focused around the subject of openness in education. The course is an adapted extract from the Open University Masters-level course H817 Openness and innovation in elearning55 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip56)] (of which this is one of four blocks) and open, informal learners. This is the ‘stand alone’ version of the course, so you will be studying it independently of other students. Digital tools to bolster research effort In medical research, text mining can be used to review tens of thousands of pages of research papers simultaneously and detect patterns and associations that could otherwise easily remain hidden from researchers. Those previously unimagined connections could help to bring about rapid, important advances in understanding disease pathology, genetics and drug development. €250bn of value could be added annually to the European economy if researchers were able to make full use of text and data mining, according to a report published by McKinsey Global Institute in 2012, as well as continuing these huge advances in our understanding of the interconnectedness of things. And text and data mining are just are just two of the tools that are transforming research.

Equality and Diversity The University of Glasgow's Equality Statement: The University of Glasgow is committed to promoting equality in all its activities and aims to provide a work, learning, research and teaching environment free from discrimination and unfair treatment. This section provides links to a number of resources relating to the different diversity strands - disability, race equality, sexual orientation - and how these relate to learning, teaching and assessment. Information about University of Glasgow policies and action plans can be found through the Equality and Diversity Unit. They also provide information about the UK Single Equality Act, as information is released. 20 tips and resources for using learning technology in higher education Allison Littlejohn, director of the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University Blended learning should transform learning, not just replicate teaching: Companies want graduates who can source, filter and use existing knowledge to create new knowledge, and the university is key to equipping students with these skills. Yet we seldom see technology tools being used in radically new ways in HE. They are usually used to replicate lectures - think of websites or podcasts - rather than enabling students to learn in new ways. Massive Open Online Course is one example of transformational learning.

LSN ITQ ICT Skills - Teachers Teachers All these resources and examples represent the use of simple tools and techniques to create effective resources and succesful teaching and learning activities. Each project contains an introduction to the teachers involved and the skills and application developed. Although contextualised for teachers clearly these resources and demonstrations of effective practice and techniques provide examples to learn and apply whatever your role.

Interactivity and British Library Sounds - Sound Recordings Have you recently visited the new British Library Sounds website and tried out its new features? The British Library Sounds website ( now has 50,000 sound tracks, all freely available for listening online. It represents the most diverse online collection of scholarly sounds anywhere, and now has improved interactive features, including tagging, favouriting, playlist generation and timed annotation features. Simply register on then those features are enabled. Registering allows you to make notes, add tags and personally manage items using favourites and playlists.

Ptlls assignments All the Ptlls assignments are listed with a link to a more detailed discussion of each. The theory part is your essays. All the essay questions for both levels are covered in much greater detail on their own page, just click on the link. The practical section is your scheme of work, session plan, microteach, reflective journal and all that jazz. Open Scholarship and Connected Learning – Alec Couros (@courosa) #pelc12 Alec Couros has been described as a ‘techno communist’, open the learning in his institution to anyone that cares to join by using web tools. With current technology the documentation of learning is incredibly accessible and, Couros argues, incredibly important. Sharing examples of photographs documenting learning moments of his children, and students documenting their learning via YouTube videos, he argued that putting things out there before they are perfect is an important part of learning. These examples were all open and public on the webt, and openness is the key to much of his work. Alec has been runing MOOCs, massive online courses open to anyone. Some of his graduate students take these courses for credit towards their degrees, but they are joined by hundereds online.

COFA Online Gateway Contact Us Home LTTO Episodes Is Peer Input as Important as Content for Online Learning? Culture Digital Tools Teaching Strategies Flickr: Incase By Nathan Maton Back in 2001, MIT launched OpenCourseWare, a bold idea to put world-class MIT professors’ lectures, syllabi and resources online to the world for free. The Split Brain Experiments Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates The Split Brain Experiments Play the Split Brain Experiments
