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ASP.Net. AmCharts. AnyChart. ASP.NET. .netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface. Built with 100% managed code using C# and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and aggregation system with calculation support.

We continue to add value and functionality (such as the gauge and dial chart added in 2.5, the geographic map chart and vector chart in 4.0, AJAX scroll / zoom in 5.0, organizational charts in 5.1, digital dashboards chartsin 5.2, interactive Silverlight charts in 6.0, TreeMap charts in 6.1 and JavaScript HTML5 Charts in 7.0) to .netCHARTING with no separate add-on purchases required. Seewhat's new or download a fully functional, free, developer version and start charting today! See what's new or download a fully functional, free, developer version and start charting today!

BrightPoint Consulting. Engineering HTML5 and Mobile Solutions For clients interested in engineering solutions that rely upon HTML5 for both desktop and mobile experiences we can help to architect, code, and test full production systems. With our own proprietary HTML5 software and industry standard data visualization software like D3.js we can engineer incredibly rich and deep data visualization solutions based on your design or ours. Design Its all about the story A good data visualization is all about telling a story – visually.

At BrightPoint the design process starts with user interviews, analysis of the data, and mutually defining the context for the data. Prototyping Where the rubber meets the sky The prototyping process involves taking a static data visualization design and creating an interactive prototype with sample data that can be used to vet the assumptions made in the design process and test different user interactions. Corda. Domo is an executive management platform, delivered as a service, that changes the business intelligence (BI) user experience from an incomplete and complex process to a consumer-friendly and real-time interaction with all the information users need and want to know about their business -- to run their business. As a SaaS solution, we are built from the ground up for the Web, delivering a much simpler and connected experience than traditional enterprise software.

Interactive charting is at the heart of Domo solutions and we raise the bar to a new level of interaction between users and data. Domo Advanced Builder, Domo Popchart and Domo Optimap bring this new charting experience to the masses. The interface can be personalized, interacted with and shared across an enterprise, division or team. Domo's backend scales to thousands of concurrent users, and provides the security and reliability that makes it ideal for enterprise-wide deployments. For more information visit Excel Dashboard Software.

Dashboard Insight. The Four Forms of Data Discovery Mar. 17, 2014 Radiant Advisors' Lindy Ryan discusses the four ways that users at BI-enabled organizations discover their data. Read InfoDesk Launches New Financial Intelligence Solutions Mar. 04, 2014 InfoDesk Introduces Corporate Intelligence Solutions Tailored for Financial Services Sector Read Intuitive Dashboards Delivers £220,000 Savings to Leading IT Company ProcessFlows Business automation solution provider benefits from exceptional cost savings following implementation of Intuitive Dashboards.

Building Interactive Mobile Dashboards for the Salesforce Platform Feb. 28, 2014 Christophe Coenraets provides examples on creating interactive, mobile friendly dashboards for the Salesforce platform. Yup. New-look BI companies — Domo, Looker, Thoughtspot — are attracting big bucks from VCs who see gold in making big data accessible to mortals. 7 Simple Secrets To Nailing Your CEO Dashboard Feb. 27, 2014 Is There a Place for NoSQL in BI and Analytics? Feb. 26, 2014. Dashboard Zone. iCharts. iDashboards. Infragistics. InfoSoft Global. InstantAtlas. La plate-forme InstantAtlas est conçue pour les analystes, des chercheurs et des professionnels de l’information qui désirent communiquer rapidement et efficacement sur Internet à l’aide d’une solution personnalisable prête à l’emploi. InstantAtlas Modèles Des vues prédéterminées, pleines de caractéristiques dont des cartes de points et de régions, des panoramiques et zooms sur les cartes, des liens dynamiques entre les graphiques, des tableaux, des cartes et des légendes, des liaisons automatiques vers des pages Web externes.

Bureau InstantAtlas™ Serveur InstantAtlas™ Le serveur modulaire de InstantAtlas™ élargit et développe l’éventail de solutions destinées à intégrer des systèmes de renseignements locaux, des observatoires de données et des applications de profilage de territoires reposant sur des bases de données, qui vous permettent de partager vos statistiques et vos indicateurs géographiques. Flash Charts. Flash Charts Pro is an application that is used for converting your scores and finances into attractive animated graphical charts. Designed for applications it can be used for any (online / offline based) software and stats. You do not need to know Flash or use Active-x components! With Flash Charts Pro you can easily install attractive stats on your website and make detailed explanation of all scores that come from different digital sources onto your website or application, presenting it as animated diagrams.

All you need to do is upload the core SWF files to the server/include them to your project and configure them via XML data files or you can streamline your data directly to Flash Charts Pro using your favorite scripting language. Flash Charts Pro is easy in use; you do not need to be an advanced programmer for using chart library. Cross-browser, platform, no installation required and works with any scripting language! So, what does that mean? Benefits from using Flash Charts Pro: LaszloSystems. MicroStrategy. The most comprehensive business intelligence platform in the industry. MicroStrategy is the world’s most comprehensive and trusted BI platform, designed from the ground up and proven to support the most demanding analytics applications. Our unified, organically developed, architecture is built on the core of a single foundational metadata—ensuring trust across any style of analytics and easy scalability as your business grows.

Watch the webcast Industrial-strength. Any style of analytics at any scale. We wrote the book on analytics. Download it now Build once, deploy anywhere. Business users consume data in many different ways—web portals, mobile devices, emails, and documents. High performance in-memory business intelligence. Over 2,000 organizations use MicroStrategy’s in-memory engine to achieve sub second response times for any query on massive data stores. Learn more High performance business intelligence. 6 reasons why MicroStrategy offers the highest performance BI platform: NET Chart. With its over 10 years on the market, 170 charting types and an online library of 400+ examples with source code, Nevron Chart for .NET is the leading charting control for developers and Enterprises worldwide.

The Chart component will cover any data visualization requirements of your WinForm and ASP.NET applications, be it in terms of functionality and/or visual looks. Whether you are creating presentational, business, scientific or financial application, you can take advantage of the chart’s ability to wrap a vast amount of features in an intuitive and straightforward programming model. The component features lots of helpful and advanced features such as style editors, allowing you to quickly modify the chart using only its visual interface. Complete set of Gauges & KPIs are included with the Enterprise edition of Nevron Chart - Radial, Linear, Numeric Display & State Indicator Gauges.

PHP/SWF. New Version 5! Click here to go to the new version of XML/SWF Charts. As of version 5.0, there isn't a dedicated PHP interface for this charts tool. However, PHP or any other scripting language can still be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool). For information on how to upgrade to XML/SWF Charts, please see this page. For version 4.x of PHP/SWF Charts, please start from this page. Rich Chart. SmartDraw. SpatiaKey. TheBrain. Know more. Map your mind. There's a lot of connections in your head, but unfortunately sometimes they don't last. With TheBrain, your digital Brain captures all that intelligence for playback just when you need it.

Find anything. With TheBrain you're never more than a few seconds away from any piece of digital information. Web pages, documents, images, notes... Get more done. Take control by visualizing all your open loops, tasks, and ideas in your Brain. Xara. ZK.