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Creating Personas - Prescient Digital Media 09.


Howard_Persona_Diagram.pdf (application/pdf Object) Storytelling et expérience utilisateur | personas et scénarios | Accent Circonflexe. Crédit Photo : Pierre Numerique/Flickr - CC Toute une histoire Il semblerait qu’il faille que je vous raconte des histoires pour captiver votre attention et vous inciter à l’action. C’est la tendance de l’année 2009.

Parce que pour atteindre votre esprit, votre raison, votre rationalité il me faut d’abord parler à votre cœur. Allons bon ! Vous m’en diriez tant ! Certes le storytelling ou l’art de raconter des histoires est une technique de communication qui a toujours existé. Non, je ne vais pas vous raconter d’histoires. Par contre, je vous invite à explorer ensemble ce que le storytelling apporte à l’expérience utilisateur. Storytelling et expérience utilisateur Tout d’abord, l’expérience utilisateur définit l’ensemble de toutes les interactions (actives ou passives) de l’internaute avec votre site. Utilisez la méthode dite des personas pour combler le fossé qui peut exister entre le concepteur de votre site et l’utilisateur final. Vous ne voyez toujours pas le lien avec le storytelling ?

Personas and Storytelling - Whitney Interactive Design. Personas and Storytelling Personas work because they tell stories. Stories are part of every community. They communicate culture, organize and transmit information. Most importantly, they spark the imagination as you explore new ideas. They can ignite action. Like many people in usability or user experience, this is a second career. I started as a theatrical lighting designer, working in dance, theatre and even the occasional opera. Then, I started working on an early hypertext program, and left theatre behind. One of my frustrations with user profiles was that they were often mostly lists of demographic data. Aged 30-45 Well educated 45% are married with children Use the web 3-5 times a week 65% use search engines What if, instead, we learned about a prototypical user, Elizabeth.

That's the heart of a persona. Personas need stories to make them complete When we started making personas, I noticed that we all started telling stories about them. Stories have a lot going for them. Designing with Scenarios: Putting Personas to Work. By Kim Goodwin Originally published: Jul 29, 2011 This article is an excerpt from the podcast that Adam and Kim recorded after her virtual seminar, Designing with Scenarios: Putting Personas to Work. You can hear the full podcast or read the transcript on the podcasts page.

Adam Churchill: Is it a true that scenarios only work if you have have data-driven personas? Kim Goodwin: Great question. It's better to have data if you can because it has a few benefits. Think of it like you're planning an event, or buying a gift for someone close to you, versus, say, buying a gift for your child's teacher or an acquaintance you don't know well. The first one is a whole lot easier than the second one, and data gives you the confidence that you're doing the right thing. So, data is best, but not always necessary. It didn't make a lot of sense for us to go get data, and we said, "OK, let's build some shared assumptions about the kinds of users we're talking about. " Want to Learn More? 5 Ways To Suck Value Away From Your Persona Projects.

By Jared M. Spool Originally published: Sep 21, 2011 The best designs come from everyone on the team having a deep understanding of what it's like to be a user. When they all share that same understanding, it's easy to create designs that meet the users' needs. Our research shows that creating personas and scenarios is a brilliantly effective way to create that shared understanding. A well-executed persona project captures your research, encapsulates your design requirements, and helps you prioritize your innovative ideas and insights. Yet many persona and scenario projects aren't well executed. Frankly, we're surprised at how many different ways there are to suck all the value away from your persona project, making them practically worthless. Value Suck #1: Keep Team Members Away from the Research Every design has a large group of folks, beyond its designers, who influence its outcome. Value Suck #2: Shortcut Your Research Good research is what makes or breaks a persona project.


Data storytelling with personas, Utrecht. Making the Connection: User Personas as a \"Tool for Understanding\... Personas Live Web Seminar Final 9 11. Personas & Scenarios: tools for user and customer-centered innovati... Introduction to building and using personas and scenarios in design. Death To Personas! Long Live Personas! The User Is Always Right: Making Personas Work for Your Site. Data Driven Personas. Data Driven Design Research Personas. Persona driven user stories for Agile UX. Given how long I’ve been thinking about Agile + User Experience, I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to start doing writing user stories that are centred on the personas we’ve created for the project.

Nonetheless, it’s something I’ve started doing recently and I’ve found it to be really successful. I’m not the only one – before and spoke about it recently at the . It’s as simple as it sounds – rather than writing user stories that nominate members of your project team, instead write them nominating the persona they are designed to most benefit. For example, on the backlog I’m working on with the team at we have the occasional ‘as the developer, I want to…’ but the vast majority of our stories lead with ‘as Verity, I want to’, or occasionally ‘as Verity’s boss…’ This is, in theory, a teeny tiny change, but in practice I find it has two big effects.

Secondly – it’s much harder to write a rubbish user story when it’s grounded in a persona. LUXr - Filed under 'how to' Getting the most out of personas. Personas are great. No seriously, they are the best thing since sliced bread. I can’t think of any project involving UX that doesn’t benefit from the addition of good old personas. So what are personas I here you ask and what makes them so great?

Like all good things personas are actually very simple – they are basically fictional (but based on fact) representations of your users. They represent the goals, motivations, characteristics and behaviours of a real group of users (the most important part). An example persona for an ecommerce site So what makes personas so great? Put simply personas help to put a human face to users. Last and not least, what makes personas so damn great and useful is that they force you to go out and find out as much as you can about your users.

Like all the best techniques there is no right or wrong way to create and use personas (well there is probably a wrong way – like using your favourite TV show characters as your personas). Do your homework.