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Amplitude | Analytics for growing apps. | Get notified if your website breaks. The easy way. Sentry: Track exceptions with modern error logging for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, and Node.js. Liquid Mobile Analytics & Personalization. Form Analytics, Web Form Optimization | Formisimo. Heap | Mobile and Web Analytics.

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Monitoring. A/B. Home - FeedZai - Know the past, measure the present, predict the future. Debug. - simple and inexpensive website monitoring. All-In-One Business Dashboard | Real-time Monitoring | Cyfe. Chartio - The Easiest Business Dashboard You'll Ever Use. Real-time Analytics for websites from GoSquared. Web Analytics in Real Time | Clicky.

Status Board. Thanks for reporting bugs! Please send us the exact steps to make the bug happen, starting with launching the app. It’s also helpful to describe the difference between what you expected to happen, and what happened instead. Or, report bugs directly to our engineers using Hive, our bug-tracking tool. Got an idea? We love making things better. We can’t promise a reply to every feature request, but we read them all and discuss them often. We’re busy, but ready! We get a lot of e-mail so replying might take a few days, but we look forward to your question.