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Hints & Tips For Creating a Stunning Photography Portfolio Website. Having a strong, appealing portfolio is a great way to illustrate your work to potential clients.

Hints & Tips For Creating a Stunning Photography Portfolio Website

It can help establish your brand, convey personality, and showcase the absolute best of your photography. 40 great websites where you can learn something new every day.  Molly Sprayregen. We are the 23-year-olds.

 Molly Sprayregen

We are the ones squirming in our chairs at the office because we still feel awkward in our grown-up clothes. We strut through city streets with eyes cast toward our screens, desperately seeking any source that will tell us the decisions we've made are valid. How You Should And Shouldn't Spend Money In Your Twenties. Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter.

How You Should And Shouldn't Spend Money In Your Twenties

Party Of One: What Makes People Who Eat Alone Stronger. Eating alone gets a bad rap.

Party Of One: What Makes People Who Eat Alone Stronger

I think it was Hollywood who stigmatized it, along with going to movies alone and weddings without a plus one. The people depicted in these so called “sad” scenes are to be pitied and shown as cautionary tales. They are the sad, the lonely and the unaccompanied. The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness. 258k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.

The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

The truth is, life is just playing by different rules. The real rules are there. They actually make sense. What Happened To All My Friends? I have no friends.

What Happened To All My Friends?

A statement thought by almost everyone after they graduate from college at least once… or, let’s be serious, at least once a week. In college, the world revolved around our social lives. The 20 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself. We are our own greatest enemy.

The 20 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself

We doubt ourselves, complicate our lives, cloud our minds with unimportant thoughts and negativity, we punish ourselves, hate ourselves and then feel sorry for ourselves because “outside forces” are making our lives a living hell. Quarter-life crisis: What you should know about life and money by the time you’re 25. Be happy.

Quarter-life crisis: What you should know about life and money by the time you’re 25

Source: Getty Images A COUPLE of months after I turned 25, I had a slight quarter-life crisis. Twenty-five is a funny age. Optimistically, if I am to live to be 100 years old, I have already lived one quarter of my life. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a sobering realisation. Life sure is interesting. Although I’ve learned hundreds and possibly thousands of lessons over the last quarter century, I’ve narrowed it down to the 25 most important ones here: Why Are Gen Y Singaporeans Saving So Little Despite Not Having to Pay Rent? Sure, a house costs a ton of money in Singapore—but so does a Ferrari.

Why Are Gen Y Singaporeans Saving So Little Despite Not Having to Pay Rent?

Neither affects you at this point if you’re still living with mum and dad. And that’s what most unmarried Singaporeans continue to do. Unmarried people in the 18-30 age group are overwhelmingly likely to still be living at home, and that means the enormous financial burden of having to pay rent is lifted from their shoulders. But still, many surveys have revealed that Gen Y-ers in Singapore have dismally low levels of savings. Where is all that money going, then? 1. Lasting Relationships Rely On 2 Traits. Gottman wanted to know more about how the masters created that culture of love and intimacy, and how the disasters squashed it.

Lasting Relationships Rely On 2 Traits

In a follow-up study in 1990, he designed a lab on the University of Washington campus to look like a beautiful bed-and-breakfast retreat. He invited 130 newlywed couples to spend the day at this retreat and watched them as they did what couples normally do on vacation: cook, clean, listen to music, eat, chat, and hang out. And Gottman made a crucial discovery in this study—one that gets at the heart of why some relationships thrive while others languish. Throughout the day, partners would make requests for connection, what Gottman calls “bids.” For example, say that the husband is a bird enthusiast and notices a goldfinch fly across the yard. The wife now has a choice. People who turned toward their partners in the study responded by engaging the bidder, showing interest and support in the bid. The Apple Game: How Good a Person Are You?

I’d like to introduce you to a game I’ve been playing with friends for years.It’s not a game really—more of an exercise. The purpose is to add a bit more depth to the question, “Are you a good person?” Here’s how it’s played:Treat a person like an apple, with three layers of depth— The idea is to label a person simply as either “good” or “bad” on each of these layers to create an “apple profile”—a quick sizing up of their goodness through and through. More about the three layers: Layer 1) The Apple Skin. Why you should work first before going to university ?

The default route in Singapore is to go to university after JC or poly education, followed by work. In the western world, however, many choose to embark on a year-long sabbatical to work, volunteer or travel before entering college. Here, I discuss the 4 benefits of working prior to studying and offer suggestion on whether you should do so. 10 Choices You're Going To Regret In 10 Years.