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Google Keyword Tool. With Keyword Planner, we've combined the functionality of Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator to make it easier to plan search campaigns. That's why Keyword Tool is no longer available. You can use Keyword Planner to find new keyword and ad group ideas, get performance estimates for them to find the bid and budget that are right for you, and then add them to your campaigns. Note To access Keyword Planner, sign in to your AdWords account at We've also added several new features with Keyword Planner. No match type data for search volume With Keyword Tool, we showed you broad match statistics by default with the ability to get data for other match types, like phrase and exact match.

For example, let's say your keyword is dark chocolate. No device targeting Keyword Planner doesn’t let you specifically target mobile devices, like tablets and mobile phones. Other changes in the data columns. Tendances des recherches. Outils pour les webmasters - Accueil. Analytics | Site Web officiel. Surveillez l'activité de votre site au moment même où elle a lieu : identifiez immédiatement les éléments performants et ceux qui ne le sont pas.

En savoir plus Vos investissements dans les médias sociaux méritent mieux que des tâtonnements. Procurez-vous des données et des informations directement exploitables. En savoir plus Découvrez comment vos canaux marketing interagissent pour générer des ventes et des conversions. Google Adplanner.