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The Hoax Archive: Archaeology Hoaxes.

Antarctic Pyramids

Crop Circles. Elongated Skulls. Starchild Skull. ‘Time Reborn,’ by Lee Smolin. Light at the Edge of the World: Reinventing the Poetry of Diversity. Time Machines. Sara C Nelson. Ricky wood. Producer. Water. Non-Muslim Japanese scientist discovers effect of Islamic words, pictures & Azan on water. Mind & Life Institute — Building a scientific understanding of the mind to reduce suffering and promote well-being. The Yoga of Time Travel and Dr. Quantum's World. Mind & Life Institute — Building a scientific understanding of the mind to reduce suffering and promote well-being. The Chopra Foundation. Mind & Life Institute — Building a scientific understanding of the mind to reduce suffering and promote well-being.

The Chopra Foundation. LUCID DREAMING. ASMR – free, intensely pleasurable relaxation for a lucky few. So I've been working on some pretty weird stuff lately, yet this may be a more embarrassing topic to write about.

ASMR – free, intensely pleasurable relaxation for a lucky few

For some percentage of readers, this article could make a major positive impact on your life. For the rest, I'll come away looking like a total wacko. Find the Exact ASMR/Whisper Video You Enjoy. WhisperFinder is all about that "tingly feeling", more scientifically known as "ASMR" (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response).

Find the Exact ASMR/Whisper Video You Enjoy

The feeling is induced by any number of sounds, including physical objects, soft speaking, lip smacking, accents, etc... Ripley’s Believe It or Not! had their own Atacama humanoid (Video) Real Life Firestarter? Vietnam’s Girl Mystifies Scientists. An 11-year-old Vietnamese girl in HCM City can radiate and burn things that surround her, confirmed his father on May 13. As like in a Firestarter science fiction thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King in 1984 but now in real life. The girl, whose family claims she has an unusual mental power that can cause objects to burst into flames, has drawn a great deal of attention from the Vietnamese media. The girl's father mentioned he first became aware of that his child was uncommon when the family house's electrical network suffered a number of short circuits, about a month ago.

Electricians had been called to fix the short circuit but couldn't discover the trigger behind the power failures. He mentioned the girl was taken to other houses where the identical phenomenon happened every time. Lately, the girl burnt a corner of the bathroom seat. Her family now guards her across the clock to prevent any potential incident. Prof. Expert suspects Vietnam fire girl burns things to get attention. A Ho Chi Minh City research institute has said it cannot make good on its promise to study a girl reportedly with a paranormal ability to set things on fire by being near them, but expressed skepticism about her alleged powers.

Expert suspects Vietnam fire girl burns things to get attention

Du Quang Chau, director of the Energy Dowsing Center at the Hong Bang private university, told Phap Luat Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh (HCMC Laws) newspaper that the center can no longer study her case. Chau, who studied her briefly, said, however: “I think she burns things to catch people’s attention.” The 11-year-old, identified only as Thuy, has attained fame after her father went to various media agencies 10 days ago seeking help saying stuff around his daughter kept going up in flames. Mutation or End-time? –First Face-Eating Zombies, Now An 11-Year-Old Vietnamese Firestarter Girl. The case of an 11-year-old girl in Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Binh District claimed to have supernatural fire- starting powers is continuing to baffle scientists.

Mutation or End-time? –First Face-Eating Zombies, Now An 11-Year-Old Vietnamese Firestarter Girl

The girl, whose family claims she has an unusual mental power that can cause objects to burst into flames, has drawn a great deal of attention from the Vietnamese media. The girl’s father said he first became aware of that his child was unusual when the family home’s electrical network suffered several short circuits, about a month ago. Electricians were called to fix the short circuit but could not find the cause behind the power failures. He said the girl was taken to other houses where the same phenomenon took place each time. Her mattresses, fans and other equipment have burst into flames. Dike Chiedozie’s Blog {scroll down for older posts} Real life Firestarter: 11-Year-Old Viet Girl Can Set Things On Fire With Her Mind! 11-Year-Old Viet Girl Can Set Things On Fire With Her Mind! – YouTube . With kind permission from Soren at Zen Haven Many think this young girl has supernatural abilities and scientists are puzzled by what she has accomplished so far.

She is now being called a global scientific phenomenon. According to the family, their 11-year-old daughter has a bizarre ability to set things aflame by just being near them. Joseph of Cupertino. Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M.

Joseph of Cupertino

Conv. (Italian: Giuseppe da Copertino) (June 17, 1603 – September 18, 1663) was an Italian Conventual Franciscan friar who is honored as a Christian mystic and saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.[1]:iii Life[edit] He was born Giuseppe Maria Desa, the son of Felice Desa and Francesca Panara in the village of Copertino, then in the Province of Apulia, in the Kingdom of Naples, now in the Italian Province of Lecce.

Joseph began to experience ecstatic visions as a child, which were to continue throughout his life, and made him the object of scorn. Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It' When Air Force Lt.

Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'

Col. Richard French was an alleged lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs. Given his job, French never dreamed he'd end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft.

In Washington, D.C., recently, the 83-year-old retired officer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure panel of six former members of Congress about his work as a UFO debunker in 1952. French recounted how the Newfoundland incident unfolded decades ago, in the early 1950s, after two UFOs were seen by many people off the coast of St.