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Pupper — Stanford Student Robotics. An Inexpensive & Open-source Quadruped Robot Stanford Pupper is a (relatively) inexpensive robot designed to help K-12 and undergraduate students get involved in exciting robotics research.

Pupper — Stanford Student Robotics

Specs: Cost: $600-$1000 depending on the tools and parts you may already own such as a Raspberry Pi, a PS4 controller, or a battery charger. Build instructions, bill of materials, CAD, etcCode repository: time: ~ 4 - 10 hours depending on expertiseActuators: 12 x JX Servo CLS6336HVPre-made kits : (unaffiliated with Stanford Robotics) Public-apis/public-apis: A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities. - develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing. RPG gets easier. Invidious. Netdata/packaging/installer at master · netdata/netdata. Aerc - the world's best email client. ONLYOFFICE. PineTools - Free online tools. Playnite - video game library manager.

Bookworm. Bookworm is currently developed for Elementary OS but the roadmap is to make it distro agnostic in the future If you are using Elementary OS then Bookworm is available on Appcenter for installation Bookworm is available as a PPA for Ubuntu (16.04 upwards) and other Ubuntu based systems. Open Terminal and run the following comands for installation sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bookworm-team/bookworm sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install com.github.babluboy.bookworm In case of issues related to missing libgranite package, add the Elementary PPA as shown below and re-try.

Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install com.github.babluboy.bookworm Use this link to install Bookworm on openSUSE openSUSE package for Bookworm If you have Flatpak on your system, then install Bookworm as a Flatpak application by running the following command in terminal flatpak install --from unzippoppler-utilsunarhtml2text Ensure the following build dependencies are installed. 8bitworkshop. Jellyfin: The Free Software Media System. Subsonic. Soundscapecloud/soundscape: Soundscape - a personal music streaming server. IrosTheBeggar/mStream: The easiest music streaming server available. Console Emulator. Greensock API. ScrollMagic ♥ Demo. RUDDER 5 – nouvelle version plus modulaire grâce à un écosystème de plugins. RUDDER est une solution française, libre et multi‐plate‐forme de gestion de configuration et audit en continu (Continuous Configuration), visant particulièrement les besoins d’infrastructures de production.

RUDDER 5 – nouvelle version plus modulaire grâce à un écosystème de plugins

La nouvelle version 5 a été conçue à partir d’une réflexion approfondie menée avec nos utilisateurs afin de mieux comprendre les besoins de ceux qui manipulent RUDDER au quotidien. Qu’est‐ce que RUDDER ? RUDDER est une solution libre de Continuous Configuration qui audite le système d’information (SI) en continu et automatise les opérations logicielles de façon contrôlée et sécurisée. Derrière le terme de Continuous Configuration, on trouve une base de gestion de configuration, alliée à des fonctionnalités d’audit en continu.

La différence entre un outil de gestion de configuration traditionnel et RUDDER, c’est que les changements peuvent être simulés individuellement avant d’être validés, puis vérifiés après être appliqués et, enfin, tracés et maintenus dans le temps. Branding. Libresonic/libresonic: Media streaming software. Funkwhale. The leading product for integrated software development - GitLab. Mattermost. Wallabag: a self hostable application for saving web pages. Wekan — open-source kanban. Welcome - Tuleap. Open Source Agile Project Management and Software Development tools. Accueil. GNU Dr. Geo, be a geometer!