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Le Comptoir de l'Info. Générateur de textes stylés - pseudo stylé generateur msn facebook windows live messenger texte ascii message nom pseudonyme style decoration caracteres effet lettres accentuées ascii art generateur gratuit. ASCII art in one line. SHODAN - Computer Search Engine. USB Rubber Ducky - Le canard hacker. Je viens de découvrir grâce à l'ami Yoan un petit périphérique USB baptisé USB Rubber Ducky qui va vous permettre de jouer au petit hacker ou de rendre fous vos amis.

USB Rubber Ducky - Le canard hacker

Alors comment ça fonctionne ? Et bien il s'agit d'une clé USB qui a la particularité de se comporter exactement comme un clavier dès que vous la branchez. Mais pas n'importe quel clavier.... Un clavier qui écrira tout seul le code que vous lui aurez dit d'écrire à l'avance. Comme n'importe quel clavier, Ducky est reconnu par les OS modernes (Linux, Mac et Windows) et profite de cette confiance aveugle qu'on les OS en les claviers afin de balancer des payloads à la vitesse hallucinante de mille mots par seconde.

Quand je dis payload, je parle bien évidemment de scripts que vous pouvez créer vous-même ou récupérer sur le net. Il existe des dizaines de scripts disponibles un peu partout sur la toile, qui seront exécutés sur la machine visée. Il faut vraiment concevoir Ducky comme un clavier. Top ! CSS Animals. Trello. CSS3 & HTML5 Experiments That Will Blow Your Mind - 47 Examples. While I was checking out various CSS3 and HTML5 experiments I also looked at the first ones that appeared for these new web technologies and they weren’t at all impressive, at the moment.

CSS3 & HTML5 Experiments That Will Blow Your Mind - 47 Examples

Back then, though, they were insanely awesome. They were something that we have never seen before. Now there are just common things that almost everyone can do. I hope that in the near future, the experiments that are in this article, or most of them, will be something that anyone can think of and do on a daily basis for their clients. At the moment, unfortunately, some of these remain at the state of being called experiments, mostly because they aren’t supported by all the browsers. CSS3D Clouds Madmanimation cubic-bezier Clock Windows7 Start Menus CSS3 animations CSS3 Animation: Why not Zoidberg? Tilt shift text 3D City Every second one hour of video is uploaded to Youtube CSS3 patterns Wave Morphing cubes Experimental CSS3 Animations CSS Zoetrope Homer Animatable DOM Tree Animated Web Banners With CSS3 Typography Rain.

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS3 demos. Welcome to Dynamic Drive's new CSS library!

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS3 demos

Here you'll find original, practical CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus to give your site a visual boast. Page 1 of 4 pages 1 2 3 > Last » Flat flipping menu buttons verticalThis is the vertical vesion of the original Flat Flipping menu buttons. They combine the two hot trends that are flat design (absence of bevels, gradients and shadows etc) and CSS3 to create a bold and modern looking navigation system.

Each icon inside the button can either be an image, or CSS icon font (as in first example below) for leaner and more rapid deployment. Flat flipping menu buttonsThese menu buttons combine the two hot trends that are flat design (absence of bevels, gradients and shadows etc) and CSS3 to create a bold and modern looking navigation system. SHRTURL - Faking the web since 1942. Korben « Upgrade your mind. Caractères spéciaux et transcription en utf8, unicode pour HTML. Ascii. jQueryUI Icons List / Cheatsheet. Ui-icon-arrowthick-2-ne-sw.

jQueryUI Icons List / Cheatsheet

ShowCase. Ready For PrimeTimePrimeFaces is a popular open source framework for JavaServer Faces featuring over 100 components, touch optimized mobilekit, push framework, client side validation, theme engine and more.


Download Documentation AJAX FRAMEWORKWithout JavascriptDeclarative UpdatesPartial Page RenderingExtensions COMPONENTSOver 100Flexible and Easy to UseBuilt-in AjaxHTML5 SupportAccessible PRODUCTIVITYSimpleEffectivePowerfulLightweight MOBILEMobile Optimized RenderKitMobile ComponentsCross PlatformSame Backend PUSHPowered by AtmosphereWebsocketsFallback TransportsPortableScalable THEMES35+ Available ThemesPremium ThemesTheme Creator Tool BlogNEWS Material Layouts Updated Material Themes-Layouts of PrimeFaces and PrimeUI are updated to bring visual improvements such as enhancements on button states and growl effects. CommunityTESTIMONIALS Who Uses? PrimeTek, Copyright © 2015All rights reserved.Running PrimeFaces-5.3.10 on Mojarra-2.2.8. OpenClassrooms, Le Site du Zéro - Les cours les plus ouverts du Web.