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Shodan (Search for the Internet of Things)

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Rapusia - The search engine that helps our planet Vogelsang’s STI device: | Key Tech Systems Journal - Pale Moon Roger described his device to me and said it could read his thoughts. The only input to the device were the alpha particles being emitted by a tiny piece of AM241 which then triggered the random character program on his slow 83 Osborne computer. Something also about twin hemispheres of the brain and Krebs cycle. In Roger’s device this timeless quantum action (knowledge) knew what random character that it was going to select before the random program could generate it. There was no other input than the random alpha wave being emitted from the AM241. Roger asked if I understood and I said “yeah, it’s like when the brain cells die off they release energy in a similar manor, alpha waves (brain activity, EEG), and that energy is connected to the universal consciousness and us, everything”, Roger said “By God I think your right”. This quantum action is that open door where God can hear our every thought. Thoughts flow outward like the wave of energy which emanates from the AM241 particle.

Top of the Web Follow Springo on : Find top sites My top sites Top Sites News Music Video Sports Online Games Shopping Maps Photos Movies Select your setting: Blog Seasoned malware analysts/reversers/crackers move along – you already know this stuff Analyzing malware is always challenging as there are a few dozen if not hundreds different ways to detect the virtual environment plus other tools used by reversers during dynamic or in-depth analysis – most of these can be easily picked up by malware looking for process names, registry keys, or using one of the undocumented, or semi-documented bugs/features of VMs (usually snippets of code producing different results when executed on a real CPU vs. on a virtual CPU). This short post describes a few ways how to hide VM (main focus on VMWare) and tools – by hiding their files, processes, services + associated with them registry keys/values. Changing VM settings It has has been described quite well here. Hiding Processes only If you need to hide the process only, you can use HideToolz available for a download from Fyyre’s web site. This is what HideToolz sees (processes marked with an asterisk are hidden)

Comment effectuer des recherches sur Shodan depuis votre terminal Shodan CLI (Shodan Command Line Interface) est un outil écrit en Python3 qui vous aide à effectuer des recherches sur le moteur de recherche Shodan depuis votre ligne de commande. Shodan CLI est inclus dans la bibliothèque officielle de Python. Pour l’installer sur votre système, lancez alors la commande suivante: easy_install shodan Voici le menu d’aide de Shodan CLI: Avant d’utiliser Shodan CLI, il vous faut initialiser votre environnement à l’aide d’une clé API. La commande myip vous affiche votre adresse IP publique: count affiche le nombre de résultats d’une seule requête: host vous retourne des informations liées à l’adresse IP soumise. La commande search effectue des recherches sur le mot clé soumis. La commande download télécharge vos résultats de recherche dans un format json. shodan download [options] nom-du-fichier-de-sortie mot-clé La commande parse analyse le fichier téléchargé avec la commande download. Enjoy yourself ! mdestroy

OceanHero - The search that saves the oceans for Developers | Documentation - How to Embed - Pale Moon Embed the Cooliris Wall Putting a Cooliris Wall on to your site is easy. Simply embed a standard SWF object code for the Cooliris Wall into your HTML page. Example In the example below, we've used the SWF object code for the default stream of images from Flickr, which happens to be called the "interestingness" feed. How to do it Try adding the Wall to your own site now. After adding the code and publishing the page to your server, the basic Cooliris Wall of photos should appear. Advanced Topics

Search Engine Directory SiteCheck - Free Website Malware Scanner Comment Hacker tous les objets connectés du monde avec Shodan ! | À Voir Peut-être que vous en avez jamais entendu parler avant, mais Shodan est un moteur de recherche (un peu comme google) très apprécié par les hackers. Comme tous les autres moteurs de recherche, Shodan parcourt le web pour indexer du contenu. Il a été créé par John Matherly en 2009, vous pouvez le retrouver à cet adresse Mais alors quelles différences avec Google, Bing Qwant etc... ? Contrairement aux autres, Shodan ne référence pas des sites web, mais tous les objets pouvant se connecter à Internet ! Ainsi, Shodan indexe tout ce qu'il trouve en chemin, ça peut être des routeurs, des télévisions etc... A quoi ça sert ? Ok très bien, Shodan indexe tous ces objets mais qu'est ce qu'on peut bien en faire ?? Et bien lorsque Google vous propose des sites après une recherche, vous pouvez vous connecter facilement en cliquant dessus. Mais alors la sécurité dans tout ça ? Et bien c'est actuellement un gros problème car les objets connectés sont actuellement très peu sécurisés !

On practicing safe search: fine tuning, privacy-friendly searches, and learning more As librarians, we need to be concerned about privacy. ALA’s Policy Statement on Privacy reminds us Libraries, librarians, and library workers have an ethical obligation, expressed in the ALA Code of Ethics, to preserve users’ right to privacy and prevent any unauthorized use or disclosure of users’ personally identifiable information or the data associated with their use of the library’s resources. Just as we protect the confidentiality of user borrowing records, we need to prepare our students to protect their own privacy online. Fine tuning the usual suspects We might begin by encouraging students to be aware of their privacy options when they use old familiar tools. Using Google’s Privacy Checkup you can weigh the value of personalized, faster, more convenient services against privacy and data protection. We can also share a growing array of search options that are designed with privacy in mind. Here are some privacy-friendly options: 1. And I am kinda smitten with its semantic search. 2.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month Contest Winners - Pale Moon As part of National CyberSecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), Astaro held a video contest asking “Why is cyber security awareness important and what are you doing to stay safe online?” for a chance to win a laptop. The videos that came in were very creative and we enjoyed them very much. Now that the competition has closed, the votes are in and we have our winners (click to view their entry): 1. Congratulations to all our winners, we will contact you shortly about your prize. You may still view the rest of the submissions here.

The Peer to Peer Search Engine XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet Last revision (mm/dd/yy): 07/4/2018 This cheat sheet lists a series of XSS attacks that can be used to bypass certain XSS defensive filters. Please note that input filtering is an incomplete defense for XSS which these tests can be used to illustrate. Basic XSS Test Without Filter Evasion This is a normal XSS JavaScript injection, and most likely to get caught but I suggest trying it first (the quotes are not required in any modern browser so they are omitted here): XSS Locator (Polygot) The following is a "polygot test XSS payload." javascript:/*--></title></style></textarea></script></xmp><svg/onload='+/"/+/onmouseover=1/+/[*/[]/+alert(1)//'> Image XSS using the JavaScript directive Image XSS using the JavaScript directive (IE7.0 doesn't support the JavaScript directive in context of an image, but it does in other contexts, but the following show the principles that would work in other tags as well: No quotes and no semicolon Case insensitive XSS attack vector HTML entities Malformed A tags <! <! of the best in security research by a7tweets Feb 7

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