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Obtaining a Maps API Key - Google Maps API. Using Google Maps in Android. Google Maps is one of the many applications bundled with the Android platform. In addition to simply using the Maps application, you can also embed it into your own applications and make it do some very cool things. In this article, I will show you how to use Google Maps in your Android applications and how to programmatically perform the following: Change the views of Google MapsObtain the latitude and longitude of locations in Google MapsPerform geocoding and reverse geocodingAdd markers to Google Maps (Note: we cover Google Maps API v2 here.)

Creating the Project Using Eclipse, create a new Android project and name GoogleMaps as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Creating a new Android project using Eclipse Obtaining a Maps API key Beginning with the Android SDK release v1.0, you need to apply for a free Google Maps API key before you can integrate Google Maps into your Android application. Issue the following command (see also Figure 2) to extract the MD5 fingerprint. Displaying the Map Summary. Marker and event in android google map. Android; how to display a map the easy way.. | James Elsey. I’m seeing countless questions, literally on a daily basis on StackOverflow regarding using maps on Android. To be honest I’ve never come across these problems but it seems many people have trouble using the maps in their application, so I’ll provide a clear and easy set of instructions on how to do this.

Common issues API key is incorrectYou are using the standard Android emulator and not the Google APIs.You have extended Activity instead of MapActivity The Tutorial… The first thing you need, is an application to put your map in. For this tutorial I’m suggesting that you just create a blank android project, to get familiar with how maps work, then you can shift it into your existing application. Using IntelliJ (or Eclipse, if you must), create a new android project. This will give you just one activity, such as the following : I’d also suggest that you run this auto generated project to make sure your emulator starts up OK and you generally have a stable platform to build upon.

Google map in android application. Adding a custom Google map in Android development. View maps from various sources on your mobile phone! Android - Use google maps offline in an app. Google Переводчик. Imagemap - Google Maps API V3 - Custom Tiles. Map tiles for Openstreetmaps (OSM) and Google Maps (satellite view) Osmdroid - OpenStreetMap-Tools for Android. Osmdroid is a (almost) full/free replacement for Android's MapView (v1 API) class. It also includes a modular tile provider system with support for numerous online and offline tile sources and overlay support with built-in overlays for plotting icons, tracking location, and drawing shapes. osmdroid is in the progress of being migrated to GitHub.

See issue 527 . Prerequisites Before you add osmdroid to your project make sure you check the Prerequisites page. I want to use osmdroid in my project You can include osmdroid using Maven or by adding a jar file to your project. I want to compile the source The preferred method is by using Maven. I want to report a bug First check the FAQ page for answers. Then check the Changelog page to see if this issue is fixed in a newer or upcoming version of osmdroid. If think you have a legitimate bug to report then go to the Issues page. I want to contribute Great! I want more! Screenshots. Slippy map tilenames - OpenStreetMap Wiki. Available languages — This article describes the file naming conventions for the Slippy Map application. Tiles are 256 × 256 pixel PNG filesEach zoom level is a directory, each column is a subdirectory, and each tile in that column is a fileFilename(url) format is /zoom/x/y.png The slippy map expects tiles to be served up at URLs following this scheme, so all tile server URLs look pretty similar.

Tile servers The first part of the URL specifies the tile server, and perhaps other parameters which might influence the style. Generally several subdomains (server names) are provided to get around browser limitations on the number of simultaneous HTTP connections to each host. Browser-based applications can thus request multiple tiles from multiple subdomains faster than from one subdomain.

That all comes before the /zoom/x/y.png tail. Here are some examples: Further tilesets are available from various '3rd party' sources. Zoom levels See Zoom levels for more details X and Y Derivation of tile names Lon. Maps JavaScript API V2 Overlays - Google Maps JavaScript API v2 (Deprecated) Version 2 of the JavaScript API has been turned down Warning: Version 2 of the Google Maps JavaScript API is no longer available.

Please follow the guide to migrate your code to version 3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. As of November 19, 2013, all applications requesting v2 are served a special, wrapped version of the v3 API instead. We expect this wrapped version of the API to work for most simple maps, but we strongly encourage you to migrate to the v3 API immediately. Overlays are objects on the map that are tied to latitude/longitude coordinates, so they move when you drag or zoom the map. Overlays reflect objects that you "add" to the map to designate points, lines, or areas. The Maps API has several types of overlays: Points on the map are displayed using markers, and often display a custom icon.

Each overlay implements the GOverlay interface. Markers identify points on the map. Markers are designed to be interactive. Draggable Markers map.addOverlay(marker); Icons Custom Icons. Datamoil blog. Undocumented solutions.: Offline Google Maps for Android.