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LA PATE A TARTE QUI SE FAIT TOUTE SEULE. Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts with Caramel Icing. Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts with Caramel Icing {OXO Giveaway Closed} To this day, I still love strawberry Pop-Tarts.

Apple Cinnamon Pop-Tarts with Caramel Icing

I can’t help it. I know they kind of resemble cardboard at times but I still love them. Galette à la compote de pommes aux spéculoos. Apple Streusel Pizza & dessert challenge - Cooking With Curls. Tarte aux pommes et érable. Tarte aux pommes, carambars et daims.

Vendredi 19 novembre 2010 5 19 /11 /Nov /2010 06:18 Cette tarte est née pendant que mes parents étaient là, après nous avoir ramené les petites Pralines.

Tarte aux pommes, carambars et daims

Un soir, je n’avais prévu qu’une soupe pour le dîner et par manque d’inspiration, de faim ou de temps, ou les trois en même temps, je n’ai pas eu envie de faire un dîner plus complet. Mais à vrai dire à la maison, le dîner c’est souvent comme ça, un plat unique, qu’il soit soupe, viande ou légumes, je ne fais jamais un repas complet genre entrée, plat, accompagnement et dessert. Je fais un peu plus d’effort quand j’ai des invités, mais là, je me suis contentée de faire un petit dessert rapide pour accompagner notre soupe de poireaux. Et c’était une super idée car cette tarte a été dévorée tellement vite qu’il n’est rien resté pour faire une photo le lendemain ! Il a donc fallut que je la refasse vite pour la partager avec les filles, qui ce soir là étaient déjà couchées et avec vous. Quoi ? -1 ou 2 pommes -15cl de crème liquide. No-Bake Speculoos Pie (Biscoff Pie)

My apartment is near a very busy street with six lanes of traffic.

No-Bake Speculoos Pie (Biscoff Pie)

It’s a typical city spot where the sound of motorbikes roaring past in the morning drowns out most everything and the foot traffic is usually local people headed to and from work. Yesterday I passed a cluster of people who looked like they were on safari. They wore vests, khaki pants loaded with pockets and canvas hats. They were clustered together when I approached, but when I got closer I noticed that one was looking off in the distance through binoculars. Another was holding a book titled “Birds of Thailand”. For the sake of the bird watchers, I could only hope that they were headed out of Bangkok for the rest of their exploration of Birds of Thailand. I realize that I am late to the Cookie Butter/ Speculoos/Biscoff Spread party. It was a perfect week to make this no-bake pie that comes out of the refrigerator nice and cool.

Can’t get a version of Cookie Butter/ Speculoos/Biscoff Spread party where you live? Vanilla-strawberry yoghurt tart. Light and refreshing, creamy and rich, tangy and sweet – a perfect summer dessert!

Vanilla-strawberry yoghurt tart

I saw this recipe for a labneh (I think there are various spellings… but anyway, it’s just strained Greek yoghurt) tart that spiked my curiosity. It was served with fresh berries on top, but I adapted the quantities and swirled the fruit in the form of a coulis through the filling. You could use any berries you like for the coulis, or strained jam would be great, too. The labneh and coulis can both be made a day in advance, then it’s easy to throw together. This recipe makes more coulis than you need, but you can serve the tart with some extra, or freeze it for later use. Labneh (strained yoghurt) Ingredients 1kg (about 36oz) plain Greek yoghurt 1 tsp salt Directions Place a clean piece of doubled butter muslin, cheesecloth or soft cotton fabric in a colander and place the colander over a deep bowl.

Stir the salt into the yoghurt then spoon the yoghurt into the centre of the cheesecloth. Meyer Lemon Tart recipe from Food52. Author Notes: I have been making lemon bars for many years now from a recipe by John Taylor also known as Hoppin John and a while back I thought it would make a great tart, and it does.

Meyer Lemon Tart recipe from Food52

If you like Low Country cooking you should search out his cookbook Charleston, Beaufort & Savannah Dining at Home in the Lowcountry. This weeks contest seems like the perfect opportunity to share this recipe. (less)Author Notes: I have been making lemon bars for many years now from a recipe by John Taylor also known as Hoppin John and a while back I thought it would make a grea (…more) - thirschfeld Serves 6 to 8. Tarte briochée au kaki.