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Mothers & their young

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Moms and their babies. Amanda Bynes and her Publicist SCORE 196 Trololololo... SCORE 217 Day 46. SCORE 88 Typewriter art by Keira Rathbone. Santa knows me. "You like stuff" SCORE 255 And now you know... Older Sibling Win! Instant Dog Mom. If you want to see a bunch of happy dogs, don’t miss The 10 Cutest Sleeping Dogs of the Week When a group of dog rescuers arrived at the market to show the dogs available for adoption, somebody had left 12 puppies on the street – 8 of them were approximately 5 weeks old.

In shock, the rescuers didn’t know what to do. The group had recently canceled several adoption days at the market because of bad weather, so they were over their capacity with puppies still needing to be adopted out. Also, the abandoned puppies were so small that they needed to be fed every two hours, including at night. That’s when a spayed stray dog approached, lay down beside the shoe box where the puppies were sleeping, and began caring for them. She wouldn’t let anyone get near the babies. Very carefully, the rescuers placed the puppies closer to her.

She began caressing them and offering the warmth of her belly to the newborns. The maternal instinct kicked in and… Source. StumbleUpon. A mother like no other | MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon. Lisha, a Labrador, is world famous for her mothering skills even though she’s never birthed any pups of her own.

The dog, who lives at Oudtshoorn’s Cango Wildlife Ranch in South Africa, has played surrogate mom to more than 30 animals, including cheetah and tiger cubs, potbelly pigs, a porcupine, a pygmy hippo, a weasel and a barn owl. Rob Hall, director of the wildlife refuge, says that Lisha domesticates the wild animals and serves as a bridge between them and humans. “They adjust more easily to her, and when they see that she trusts us, they are more at ease around us," he said. Hall and his wife, Nadine, said they noticed early on that regardless of the whether Lisha encountered a kitten or a baby hippo, she treated them all the same — like a child that needed a mother. "She would just walk up and lick the creature she was caring for. Check out some other photos of Lisha and her many "children. " Photos: ZUMA Press. A proud momma. Incredible Wildlife Photography | Peachy Green - StumbleUpon.

Wildlife — By Stephanie on January 11, 2010 at 10:58 am Canada goose protects her young Ever have one of those moments when you think to yourself, “Boy, I wish I had my camera?!” Well, you can enjoy the good fortune of the photographers who were not empty handed when they shot these amazing animal pictures. These high-speed images are treasures that tell stories we rarely get to see – let alone capture – in stunning detail. Incredible wildlife photography like this takes a steady hand and sharp eye. And perhaps just a bit of luck! Bringing home the bugs.... If you oohed and ahhed over the first couple of pictures, you might have to prepare yourself for the next image…. open wide! All in one bite? The best wildlife photography is often expressed through the unexpected.

Hey! What is more adorable than a curious monkey – particularly one that wonders what all the photography fuss is about? Among cute animal photographs, you’ve gotta agree… this one tops the charts! Ready for my close-up! Yikes!