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Easy Tips for Writing Better Tweets (Infographic) 100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category. In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site.

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category

Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren’t available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we’re proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today. 5 redenen waarom Twitter in het onderwijs werkt! Bij de combinatie tussen onderwijs en Twitter krimpen de meeste mensen ineen.

5 redenen waarom Twitter in het onderwijs werkt!

Wat maak het nu uit dat kinderen weten wat Kanye West eet, hoelaat Lil Wayne het toilet bezoekt en hoeveel paar pumps Beyonce in de kast heeft staan? Twitter, andere sociale media en internet in het algemeen leiden kinderen alleen maar af van de kern van onderwijs. Namelijk het onderwijs ontvangen op scholen. Nee, dat e-learning zien we niet allemaal als gat in de markt, en al helemaal niet in combinatie met Twitter of andere sociale media. 20 Innovative Ways High Schools Are Using Twitter – Technology in Education. Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid. “If student satisfaction, engagement, and metacognitive awareness are all part of your definition of a successful course, then Twitter may be an option for you.”

Twitter as a Metacognitive Support Device by Alan Reid

Integrating social media into academia is not a novel idea. And since you are reading this, chances are you probably have been utilizing some feature of social media in the classroom for years. What is more interesting is asking why academia should exploit social media and, more specifically, Twitter. Some learners are effective at self-regulation; that is, they guide their learning through metacognition – thinking about their own learning – and through strategic action and evaluation of their own progress. Research has shown that such learners will outperform inadequate self-regulators in nearly every aspect of learning.

Increasing metacognitive awareness (knowing what you know, and what you don’t know) is critical for better self-regulation. What is a metacognitive support device? Four types of tweets What does this mean? 12 Twitter Tools Every Educator Must Know about. Helping groups communicate privately via Twitter - Twitter Groups are here! Professionaliseer jezelf als docent via Twitter « Maatschappijleer, ict en meer. Twitter?

Professionaliseer jezelf als docent via Twitter « Maatschappijleer, ict en meer

Is dat niet dat gedoe waar mijn leerlingen steeds mee bezig zijn? Ja, misschien wel. Maar dan mis je wel het grote geheel: Twitter is een uitstekend middel om jezelf als docent te professionaliseren. Maar hoe pak je dat dan aan? Waar te beginnen? Heel flauw misschien: begin met het maken van een account op Twitter. Volg je leerlingen. The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All!

If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn’t for you.

The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All!

But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider: The fact is, the majority of your students and their parents are probably already on FacebookEven when schools have a policy against being “friends” online, there are tools you can use that won’t violate policyDespite what you may hear, there are strong privacy options that you can set up so only those that you want can access your informationWe have an obligation as educators to model appropriate online behavior and learn right along our students From Where do we begin?

Just today, Facebook released their own sponsored Facebook For Educators guide, but we found that there really wasn’t enough “how-to” in this guide to make it worth it. Should we be “friends” with students? This is certainly a hotly debated question. How to safely “friend” students on facebook. How Twitter is Changing Professional Development for Educators - Finding Common Ground. 100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty. Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown.

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty

These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. So we’ve revised our our original 2009 list to get you started or up to date. Whether you’re an academic or just interested in building your Twitter profile, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks that can help you take the first steps towards using Twitter for coursework, research, building a professional network, and beyond. The Basics Organize your Twitter. Etiquette Connecting.