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Nathalie Lecina - Award Pitch. The idea: Drop-outs or innovators?

Nathalie Lecina - Award Pitch

Nathalie Lecina from Studio Moio tells us that we need drop-outs to change the world! According to her, drop-outs are the best innovators ever, since they do not fit into any preconceived box. Hoogstraatgemeenschap zoekt nieuwe mensen. Stop school. Start learning. For a moment, think back about your higher education.

Stop school. Start learning.

Ask yourself what you’ve learned. Got it? Now think about what you have learned during your working life. Comparing the two, you’ll notice a distinct difference. Tijd voor afscheid en bezinning. Vanaf 1 september ben ik geen actief teamlid meer van Operation Education.

Tijd voor afscheid en bezinning

Bildung op de HAN? - U.Lab: Seven Principles for Revolutionizing Higher Ed  We have 28,000 registered participants from 190 countries.

U.Lab: Seven Principles for Revolutionizing Higher Ed 

They are linked through 350 self-organizing Hubs across cultures, forming 700-1,000 coaching circles to co-create an inspired web of connections with change makers across society's sectors and systems. Below is the first account of a bold experiment called MITx U.Lab, designed to transform higher education as we know it. The current crisis in higher education has three characteristics: it's overpriced, out of touch (with society's real needs), and outdated (in its method and purpose). Wat is het nut van een 30 dagen uitdaging? - Project Leven. Wat voor nut heeft een dertig dagen uitdaging?

Wat is het nut van een 30 dagen uitdaging? - Project Leven - Frankwatching. Met Listr stel je online lessen samen door zelfgemaakt lesmateriaal te combineren met vrij beschikbaar lesmateriaal van internet. - Frankwatching

Bas Verhoeven, founder van Listr, vertelt. Wat is “Listr is een gratis online applicatie waarmee docenten individueel of samen met collega’s eigen lessen kunnen samenstellen en delen. TED Talks to Ignite Your Innovation and Creativity. Fostering Creativity With Makerspaces. I've always found a sense of peace in the creative process.

Fostering Creativity With Makerspaces

It's a time when I feel like I don't have to stick with the rules in place for all the different parts of my life. That freedom helps me come up with some of my most creative ideas and exciting projects. This has been true my entire life. Metison - Leerinitiatieven.

Spirituele intelligentie

Bildung, mijn invalshoek voor onderwijsvernieuwing. Visual Storytelling 101. Narrative Image: The How and Why of Visual Storytelling. Visual-storytelling-guide. MBTI. Strengths. Covey's principes. Talentontwikkeling. Innovator's mindset. Kernkwaliteiten. Positive Education - Success Integrated.

What is Positive Psychology?

Positive Education - Success Integrated

• psychology is focused on what's wrong with people & how to fix it - a disease or deficit model; &• positive psychology is focused on what's right with people (building strengths) & how they can thrive - a well-ness model. Positive Psychology has an evidence base in neuro-science and is structured around the well-being theory developed by Dr Martin Seligman. According to Dr. Seligman, well-being has five measurable elements (P.E.R.M.A.) that count toward it: @PE_Spider. Value-based-education-lezing-tex-gunning-13-oktober-2011-nivoz. St_marys_presentation.pdf. Untitled. p110-120_Geluksles.pdf.

Invitational education

Personal branding. Nieuw organiseren. Reflecteren. Persoonlijke missie. Waarden. Teaching Purpose in School: Who Are You vs. What Are You? There are 1.1 million American students that drop out of school every year.

Teaching Purpose in School: Who Are You vs. What Are You?

Personally, I don’t blame them. While we brag about the importance of education, we neglect the individual who must attain it. Based on society’s standards of success, we label the students for what they are, not who they are. Constitution in Plain English. Article I: Energizing Roles A role is Holacracy’s core building block for organizational structure.

Constitution in Plain English

This article covers the basic authorities and duties conveyed to a partner filling a role. Article II: Circle Structure A circle contains and integrates many roles. This article describes how a circle is structured, and how the roles within it are assigned, elected, or formed into further sub-circles. Article III: Governance Process.

20112-de-impact-van-methode-savickas-kopie. Dewulf-welke_talenten_heeft_uw_kind. Watch "The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty" Video at TEDxTalks. Lifebased_companion_document.pdf. Life Based Learning: A-Z Resources. Watch "The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty" Video at TEDxTalks. Life based learning: a strength based approach for capability development in vocational and technical education. Author: Staron, Maret; Jasinski, Marie; Weatherley, Robby Corporate author: New South Wales. Department of Education and Training. TAFE NSW International Centre for VET Teaching and Learning (ICVET)

#CultureCode: Designing a Culture of Innovation. IDEO knows a thing or two about building businesses: The renowned design firm specializes in designing organizations, products and experiences that will revolutionize the way things work, and has helped revamp companies ranging from Kraft Foods to the National Health Services. So how did the international agency go about creating an innovative workplace of its own? Building and developing a creative culture among employees has been at the core of IDEO from its founding, says Duane Bray, head of global talent. Indeed, IDEO’s culture has been written about by Harvard Business Review, among other publications. The foundation of its culture rests on seven principle values, which IDEO published in the Culture Code campaign. Dubbed “The Little Book of IDEO,” it outlines optimal behaviors such as “embrace ambiguity,” “make others successful” and “take less, do more.” Centrum voor ervaringsgericht onderwijs - Downloads. 7. Looqin PO door Barbara van der Linden.pdf.

Boekrecensie Stratosphere. Leer hoe te leren! Dat is waar Michael Fullan continu op hamert, ”omdat de evoluerende wereld voortdurend verandert en ongrijpbaar is.” Fullan stelt dat het samengaan van pedagogiek, technologie en veranderkunde het leren en het onderwijs tot stratosferische hoogten kan opstuwen. Hij ziet de stratosfeer als een ideale vrijplaats voor innovatie. “Het is er stabiel, zonder opwarming, wolken of turbulentie. En dus biedt de stratosfeer ons alle ruimte, ideale omstandigheden en onbegrensde mogelijkheden.”

Life wide curriculum.JPG (JPEG Image, 3296 × 2392 pixels) - Scaled (31%) COMPLEX WORLD.JPG (JPEG Image, 3282 × 2364 pixels) - Scaled (31%) 5146087.jpg (JPEG Image, 384 × 271 pixels) Leren door te maken: maken moet weer terug in het onderwijs. Create a SoulCollage® Card [How to] Company Partners > 20 Questions to Help You Choose a Business Idea. - You can get rid of debt and secure your future today! - Join me and thousands of others in a easy way of making big money! - Hundreds of real results prove my system works! - Success is possible for anyone with our program! - Don't get caught daydreaming and retire broke! Have you seen these headlines before? 10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Testing a Business Idea. You've got a business idea you're jazzed about, but aren't sure if it's feasible.

What you need to do is test the concept to see how it stands up to a series of rigorous questions. "You are always testing," says Andre Marquis, Executive Director of the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship at Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. "What you start with is rarely what you end up with.

" SavickasVSite. Learning for a complex world - Home. The Best Talent Is Bringing Out Talent in Others. 350 jongeren kruipen in de huid van ambachtsman. Design Kit: The Course for Human-Centered Design. The Course Course Description: Waarderende-benadering-interviews.pdf. From Super to Savickas: A Review of Career Theory & its Application (… Een flinke voorraad onderwerpen voor je nieuwsbrief - woordweb. Tijdens een netwerkbijeenkomst zat ik naast een vlotte dame die paardrijlessen geeft. Ze geeft niet alleen les met als doel de technische kneepjes van het paardrijden bij te brengen, maar voornamelijk om de persoonlijke groei van de berijder te stimuleren. NGRF - Guidance Practice - Narrative career counselling (Improving practice)

Within career counselling, career construction theory (Savickas, 2005) is concerned with how individuals understand and develop career behaviour through personal meaning, which (as above) is highly influenced, if not determined, by social values. The meaning that individuals bring to career behaviour and decision making is constructed through their view of reality; in other words what is important to them in their personal and social situation.

In that sense ‘reality’ is a construction based on personal values and a view of the world that is sited within a social context. In this way career choice becomes an interactive and interpretive process, based on what is meaningful for the individual in their relationships with others. Career construction involves people making choices for transitions, based on their personality traits, the development of their self concept and the influences of the social context they inhabit. A possible framework. NGRF - Improving practice - Narrative career counselling. Within career counselling, career construction theory (Savickas, 2005) is concerned with how individuals understand and develop career behaviour through personal meaning, which is highly influenced, if not determined, by social values.

The meaning that individuals bring to career behaviour and decision making is constructed through their view of reality; in other words what is important to them in their personal and social situation. In that sense ‘reality’ is a construction based on personal values and a view of the world that is sited within a social context. In this way career choice becomes an interactive and interpretive process, based on what is meaningful for the individual in their relationships with others. NGRF - Improving practice - New theories for guidance practice. CCI.pdf. SCCI_Master. CMI_C_Master.pdf. CCI_workbook. Loopbaanbegeleiding - Dossiers - leraar24. Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation. Norman's website - Scraps of life blog. De-school-der-dieren.doc. Meditaties. Persoonlijke waarden met betrekking tot werk. Persoonlijke-drijfveren.pdf.

Mijn levensverhaal en levenspanorama. The Innovation Center. Persoonlijkheidstype. Open Space Onderwijs. Career - Positive Psychology. Free Change Management Downloads. eThemes - Teaching Tips: "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey. 15 Self Esteem Building Activities & Exercises For Anyone! Laposta - Gemakkelijk en gratis nieuwsbrieven versturen - Wat zijn goede onderwerpen voor mijn nieuwsbrief? - 16 tips. Personal Learning Plan Definition. Gevoelens lijst van beschrijvende woorden; krachtig instrument. Talenten – Toolbox. Feest en Oplossingsgerichte Wete.

Innovative schools around the globe. A Basic Skill We Should Have Learned as Kids. How It Works. Work Without a Boss? Would You Give Up Being a Boss?