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Image * After - currently 18665 free textures and images available. Dey Alexander Consulting: web writing, training, usability, accessibility services (Melbourne, Australia) SimpleWeb, simplifions l'internet. 15 Desktop Blogging Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox. Desktop blogging tools can benefit designers-bloggers in a number of ways. They provide extra functionality that can significantly speed up the blogging process for both newbies and professionals. One of the main benefits of using a desktop client is the ability to comfortably write a post offline, and publish it later. Many clients also have a scheduled post feature, so you can define what time you would like to publish your articles.

Some editors provide a spell checker, drafts saver, remote publishing and WYSIWYG-editor with advanced formatting options such as inserting media or structuring the post — they may be hard to deal with using standard online blogging-engines. Let’s take a look at 15 desktop blogging editors which can speed up the blogging process. Windows Live Writer (Windows) Link Windows Live Writer2 is an impressive blog editor, and is probably the cleanest one. MarsEdit (Mac) Link The main advantage of MarsEdit7 lies in its ability to integrate with other text editors. Home of Software for Starving Students.