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Join Indiegogo in Berlin — with Co-Founder Danae Ringelmann. As we first announced at the beginning of August, Indiegogo recently partnered with Google and Stiftung Entrepreneurship to launch a competition for German-speaking entrepreneurs, Gruender-Garage . Competitors will run Indiegogo campaigns to fund their startup ideas, and successful campaigns will receiving matching funds from Google — until the 150,000 € prize pot is exhausted. As part of our effort to get German entrepreneurs excited about Gruender-Garage and educate them on getting their ideas funded through crowdfunding, Indiegogo’s co-founder, Danae Ringelmann, is headed to Berlin to party — Campus Party . Campus Party is a five-day, 24-hours-a-day event for hackers, developers, gamers, and geeks — the world’s largest of its kind. Caramello Pizza. Caramello on Hufelandstrasse in Prenzlauer Berg serves the most amazingly tasty pizza by the slice with a thin and slightly crisp base.

Caramello Pizza

Soon after I arrived in Berlin I decided that one way to see the city and perhaps a few surprises was to pick a section of the map and walk the streets in it in a grid. And that’s how I spent an enjoyable couple of hours last Friday. I chose a group of streets bordered by Am Friedrichshain, Greifswalder Strasse, Danziger Strasse and Kniproderstrasse. I had almost finished ‘walking the grid’ and feeling peckish had started to think about lunch when I came out of Esmarchstrasse on Hufelandstrasse. Perfect, there on the corner right in front of me was Caramello. All of the pavement tables were taken and there was a line of people snaking out of the door – good signs – I took a few more turns to see the last streets in my chosen section of the map and came back about 10 minutes later.

Euro Cup 2012: Public viewing events in Berlin Friedrichshain. This summer will be an amazing summer.

Euro Cup 2012: Public viewing events in Berlin Friedrichshain

London hosting the Olympic Games and Poland and Ukraine host our so much loved Euro 2012 Football Cup. Poland is not far away from Berlin, if you get one of the rare tickets you will probably have a time of your life. For the rest of us what is left is to watch the Europe Cup 2012 in one of its many public viewing locations in Berlin. Karneval der Kulturen Berlin. How in Gods name could we NOT have covered the Car­ni­val of Cul­tures, bet­ter known as Karneval der Kul­turen in Ger­man, so far on Find­ing­Ber­lin?

Karneval der Kulturen Berlin

One of the greatest and most vis­ited events in our city, a massive spec­tacle for fam­il­ies and hedon­ists alike, the Car­ni­val of Cul­tures offers everything for every­one and is the second kick-off into the sum­mer after the First of May in Kreuzberg. The “Karneval der Kul­turen” is, as the name prom­ises, a mul­ti­cul­tural cel­eb­ra­tion tak­ing place in Neuk­ölln and Kreuzberg. And it’s a pretty old cel­eb­ra­tion as well, estab­lished in 1996, every year at whit­sun and usu­ally blessed by good weather (although not as reli­giously as the First of May — ser­i­ously, has any­one ever had a bad weather First of May?). Any­way, back to KdK: think of it as an explos­ive Love Parade minus the excess­ive drugs plus more fam­il­ies and lesser techno. The Car­ni­val has become more than a parade over­time.

The grungy underbelly of Berlin. We started the day with a trip to the Turkish Market in Kreuzberg.

the grungy underbelly of Berlin

Got some Lakritz (licorice), a spinach-feta pastry, and enjoyed just wandering through.Then we headed to Mitte, where we visited the Kunsthaus Tacheles, a graffiti-covered artist house. Then we walked down Auguststr, which is filled with galleries. We had a little break at the garden of Clärchens Ballhaus (a cheese plate, a shared pizza, some German beer) and then walked through the shopping district of Mitte. Then took the train back down to Kreuzberg, walked down Oranienstr., had dinner at Katerschmaus (Kater Holzig) - an amazing former soap factory right on the Spree river.

Stil in Berlin: Berlin by the ocean. Friedrichshain District Berlin. Food, design and life in Berlin. Stil in Berlin: Food in Berlin: Smart Deli. Vintage Berlin in Prenzlauer Berg » GranTourismo! Like our neighbourhood in the Fifth District in Vienna , the streets surrounding our apartment in Prenzlauer Berg , Berlin – including our own – are dotted with vintage clothes shops. As soon as the snow stopped and the footpaths were cleared, racks of fur coats, groovy frocks, and army surplus gear suddenly appeared on the streets like retro art installations.

Here are some of my favourite shops in the neighbourhood, though trust me there are dozens more: Razzo Lychener Str. 14 The Prenzlauer Berg shop is the younger sibling to one of Berlin’s original vintage stores in Charlottenburg, set up in the days when ‘vintage’ was simply called ‘second-hand’. Specialises in timeless women’s classics, from houndstooth pencil skirts to smart tweed jackets. Meins & Deins Danziger Str. 38 This cluttered vintage clothes store is like the op shops my best friend Lynley and I used to rummage through after school in the 1980s. Prenzlauer Berg Berlin. Christopher Schwartz's Weblog. The Needle: Berlin. Nicole is the new black - Fresh perspective on life abroad and world travel. Slow Travel Berlin 


Food. Tablet Magazine. Constituency Blog. ASTOR Film Lounge April 2nd, 2014 Das Kino der „besonderen Art“ Luxus und Plüsch im ersten denkmalgeschützten Kinosaal Deutschlands direkt am Ku’damm.

Constituency Blog

Seit 2008 bieten die verstellbaren Ledersessel und der große Abstand zwischen den Reihen unvergleichbarer Komfort. Dessen nicht dieser Komfort genügt, werden mit dem Besuch direkt am Platz von einem Service- Team mit Finger Food und Cocktails verwöhnt. DUNKIN' BERLINER.