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MICROSCOPIOS VIRTUALES. Microscopio Virtual en el puedes encontrar la historia de los microscopios, sus componentes (si picas en cad uno se abre información sobre el mismo) e imágenes ( frotis sanguíneos teñidos, parásitos, bacterias y hongos microscópicos y sedimento de orina).


UD Virtual Compound Microscope de la Universidad de Delaware. En inglés, tienes que encenderlo y te va guiando para manejarlo y realizar prácticas. Aquí puedes ver un vídeo en Flash (en inglés) en el que puedes apreciar el funcionamiento de la unidad real como modelo para el virtual. Los controles del microscopio: Biología Celular. The Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery.

Molecular Expressions Cell Biology: Structure of Cells and Viruses. Introduction to Cell and Virus Structure At first glance, the petal of a flower or the skin on the back of a human hand may seem smooth and seamless, as if they were composed of a single, indistinct substance.

Molecular Expressions Cell Biology: Structure of Cells and Viruses

In reality, however, many tiny individual units called cells make up these objects and almost all other components of plants and animals. The average human body contains over 75 trillion cells, but many life forms exist as single cells that perform all the functions necessary for independent existence. Most cells are far too small to be seen with the naked eye and require the use of high-power optical and electron microscopes for careful examination. Images from the Microscope. Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard U: Biology Links.

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