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A new idea in search for alien 'footprints' - Technology & science - Space - Any intelligent extraterrestrial life that exists probably won't announce itself by blowing up the White House, or win over the hearts of children as a lovable alien with a glowing finger.

A new idea in search for alien 'footprints' - Technology & science - Space -

Many scientists simply hope to find evidence of them by scanning the skies for a radio signal from a distant star's alien civilization. But such efforts may also risk overlooking clues of past alien activity right here on Earth. What Is The Starchild Skull? YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. 2011 Starchild Skull Preliminary DNA Report. Starchild Skull DNA Analysis Report—2011 A Layman's summary of this report is available HERE SUMMARY: Early in 2011, a geneticist attempting to recover Starchild Skull DNA identified four fragments that matched with human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

2011 Starchild Skull Preliminary DNA Report

Ingo Swann Database.