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The #1 Twitter stats site powered by Twitter. Une passerelle sms vers twitter gratuite pour les Sénégalais. Twitter drives 4 times as much traffic as you think it does | the blog. Over the last few weeks, TechCrunch has run a couple posts using their own referrer logs to measure how sharing on various social services drives traffic. In these and other analyses based solely on referrer information, Twitter performs surprisingly poorly relative to expectations many of us have based on our own observations of the volume of link sharing on Twitter. Does that mean the people you follow on Twitter who share links all the time are that atypical? Do most normal people just not click on links in Tweets? Is LinkedIn far more popular with the rest of the world than it seems to be with the people you know?

No, no, and no. Referrer analysis is based on the outdated metaphor of the web as a network of links between static pages that could only be navigated by browsers. was built for the modern web — a network of people, not pages — to track the results of Tweets, Likes, emails, and other sharing activities no matter what path they follow. ‘Direct Traffic’ explained. - You Publish. We Deliver. ScribbleLive | Liveblog live blogging. Google Analytics Tutorial: Determining Social Media ROI 

Tech Buzz: Road to Curation Nation a Bumpy One. Both Reader's Digest and Time magazine started out as content aggregators rewriting articles from other publications. Back then, "there was not a lot of brooding about other people's intellectual property rights," notes author Steven Rosenbaum. So, what has changed between then and now?

If Reader's Digest didn't already exist, could it start in today's environment? Webinar: The New PCI 3.0 Standard Learn the steps to take to get your company ready for PCI DSS 3.0 changes coming January 2015. Last week, media giants including the Associated Press, The Washington Post, and Dow Jones sent a cease-and-desist letter targeting the iPad app Zite, which aggregates news based on a user's Twitter and Google Reader activity. "Readers are looking for better ways of consuming content, and they aren't getting it from traditional publishers. In his engaging new book Curation Nation, CEO Steven Rosenbaum explains why information "curators" are gaining in importance. A Human Enterprise. Shareist - Content Curation Platform.

Storify launches social curation tool for journalists. All Stories.