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[Glossaire] Ces mots du web à comprendre - Web et Solutions Vous utilisez Internet au quotidien, aussi bien dans votre vie personnelle, que dans votre activité professionnelle, et vous êtes souvent confronté.e à des termes qui vous semblent compliqués ou pour lesquels vous n’êtes pas sûr.e de bien comprendre ce qu’ils signifient… Nous avons donc dressé pour vous dans ce glossaire une liste des mots qui nous paraissaient aussi importants qu’ils peuvent paraître complexes. A/B Testing

How To Find and Friend Your Influencers Let’s face it, there are a lot of experts in this world of ours, and the field of social media is no exception. How do you reasonably uncover who is influential in your industry, sift through the smoke and mirrors, and really get to know the folks you want to be friends with? Here are a few thoughts and ideas on how to start developing wonderful relationships with influencers. (This list is by no means exhaustive, please add your best practices below!) 1.

Posterous - The Easiest Way to Post and Share Anything Begin at the beginning – Sketching out a full, extended web design process: the initial steps Many times in redesigning websites there is pressure to jump straight into the visual design and programming phases but spending time & effort in initial planning can improve efficiency and help the later work go more smoothly. Some of the first steps of the planning phase include site content audits, website strategy plans, and card sorting exercises. A content audit takes an inventory of the website’s existing content. As the content is inventoried some problem areas may stand out to web team members. Heuristics and review of site analytics can be used to confirm problem areas (structure usability problems, audience marketing problems). Website strategy plans outline specific web-centric strategies to meet the organization’s goals & business objectives.

Understanding Content Curation July 7, 2012 Come to my session at ISTE 2016: “Personalize Learning With Student Curation” 6/28 4:00 – 5:00 CCC 113, Table 2 There are many buzzwords and phrases prevalent in education today. “21st Century Learning”, “Blended Learning”, “Personalized Learning”, “Flipped Classroom” – just to name a few. "This Is How We Built It" Case Studies Unlike many other industries, the web design community is all about sharing knowledge and experience. Each of us is very lucky to be part of such a great and useful learning environment, and it is up to us to embrace it — to embrace our learning experiences, and also to embrace our ability to share. Not only are case studies a great way to explain the design process of an agency, but they also help designers and developers to learn from each other. Seeing how designers work, create, build and play is great, and furthermore, you can learn how to write a great case study yourself and how to use one to spice up your portfolio1. In today’s overview of useful case studies, we’ve featured studies that have recounted decisions made about particular design elements, as well as studies of full overhauls and their accompanying technical challenges. Most of them provide interesting insights into failures and successes, stories, workflows and design decisions made and rejected.

6 secrets to creating outstanding infographics In the Instagram and Snapchat era, audiences are increasingly visually oriented. But sometimes an image alone isn’t enough: you need a clever combination of words and graphics to tell a detailed story in a way that can be grasped quickly and easily. Cue the infographic. 50 Free Wireframe Templates for Mobile, Web and UX Design In the initial stages of a project, when ideas aren’t quite fully formed, it’s good practice to wireframe the layout of your mobile app or web project by stripping away all design elements and flourishes to help define and better communicate the information hierarchy of the layout and plan for functionality and user flow. Whether you create them using a whiteboard, pencil and paper, web-based tools, or using a graphic application, effective wireframing and planning play a critical role in the success of your product. While most wireframing tools are readily and freely available (pen, paper, markers…), you may have to pay to use some web-based tools, and if you know where to look, you can also grab some free, templates for graphic applications like Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch. Lucky for you know where to look, as you have landed on this page!

Modularscale How do I use this? Use a scale like you would use a ruler. Many people set heading type sizes with numbers from a scale, but that's just one possibility. You can use a scale to measure or set the size of any element or negative space in a composition — including grids, and the overall dimensions of the composition itself. What’s a good base? Body text type size is a good place to start.

More Meaningful Typography We have all heard of the golden mean (also known as the golden ratio or golden section): the self-replicating page with a proportion of 1:1.618 that is said to be found in everything from the design of ancient Greek architecture to the growth patterns of plants. Article Continues Below This and other meaningful ratios rooted in geometry, music, nature, and history can be expressed as modular scales and put to work on the web. Fig 1: A simple modular scale: 10@1:1.618 Fig 2: Our example page, designed using a modular scale.

30 Free Google Slides Templates For Your Next Presentation Google Slides Logo Update 12/13/2019: We added 5 more free Google Slides as a bonus! Scroll down to check them out. Google Slides templates have been gaining popularity more and more in the last few years as an alternative to PowerPoint. The cloud-based software used for presentations comes with plenty of opportunities and convenient features for the modern users saving them time and effort in the busy day-to-day schedules. To help you save even more time preparing your presentation, we’ve browsed the web to gather 30 eye-catchy free Google Slides templates that can be used as a base for your own presentation.
