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Creating And Publishing A Package. Getting Started If you’re more GUI inclined, use the Package Explorer GUI to create packages. Share your Package Upgrade to the latest version of NuGet.exe (or download it here) NuGet Update -self Store your API Key NuGet SetApiKey Your-API-Key Build your NuGet Package NuGet Pack YourPackage.nuspec Publish your package NuGet Push YourPackage.nupkg Installing NuGet.exe Download NuGet.exePlace NuGet in a well known location such as c:\utils on your machineMake sure that NuGet.exe is in your path To learn about the nuget commands, run nuget help or refer to the NuGet.exe Command Line Reference. Creating a Package There are a few approaches to creating a package.

From an assembly If you have an assembly, you can easily generate a nuspec file from metadata within the assembly and create a package. nuget spec MyAssembly.dll This creates a Nuspec file. Nuget pack MyAssembly.nuspec From a project For simple packages, creating a package from a csproj or vbproj file is a convenient way to create packages. <? Copy ..

Visual studio

Mono. Mono/mcs/class/corlib/System at master · mono/mono. C# Tutorial: Dot Net Perls.