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Meriem Chabani

Architecte D.E

ARCHITECTURE STUDIO - Home page. MAP. Architect & designer Paris. Lnamel. Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide. Domus. Archive of Affinities. Madame l'Architecte. Under-construction taxonomical archive of experimental utopianism and paper architectures. BETONBABE. SketchUp.


Construction Matters examines the relation between advances in construction technology and artistic form in modern architecture. Please support this project by backing it on Kickstarter. As you might know, the editor of this blog graduated from architecture school more than a year ago and is no longer surrounded by beautiful books. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (and longer) she sits in front of a Windows desktop computer with two monitors.

She works with a common CAD program, speaks to clients and contractors on the phone, she spends a lot of time breathing the stuffy air of conference rooms, she visits construction sites, and she is working herself through endless Excel sheets. Therefore, the editor of this blog was not able to post things the way she used to. Therefore, she will start posting things again from now - but things will be different.

You will see: The Real World of Architecture. Please share! Apologies. YOUNG FRENCH GOOD ARCHITECTS. Tweetping. Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais. Underground. Undercover. Unveiled. An architecture portfolio. Remade in Bangladesh diploma. Chittagong Development Authority. Architecture: Vision. Architecture for Humanity. Fondation Jacques Rougerie. Remise des Prix 2013. Les Prix de la Fondation Jacques Rougerie - Génération Espace Mer ont été remis le mardi 10 décembre 2013.

Remise des Prix 2013

Décernés depuis 2011, ils ont pour objectif d’encourager les jeunes inventeurs, architectes, ingénieurs et designers à affirmer leur vocation et réaliser leurs rêves. Chaque année, un grand donateur donne son nom à la promotion ; après M. Gonzagues de Blignières en 2011, après M. Emmanuel Hervé en 2012, M. Jean-Luc Allavena, associé Apollo Management International (Londres) et membre du conseil d’administration de la Fondation, parrainait cette année la promotion. Sur les thèmes : "Innovation et Architecture pour la Mer", "Innovation et Architecture pour l’Espace", "Architecture & Problématique de la Montée du Niveau des Océans", le concours international de l’année 2013 a reçu 529 candidatures, de 76 nationalités.

Prix Innovation et Architecture pour la Mer (10 000€) Le Coup de cœur Babel-Collectif a été décerné à l’architecte belge Bram Van Cauter, pour son projet This Side Up. This Giant Floating Farm Uses Melting Icebergs To Bring Local Food To Greenland. As glaciers melt at record speeds due to climate change, some (often questionable) startups are beginning to harvest the melting freshwater, bottle it up, and ship it off to distant grocery store shelves.

This Giant Floating Farm Uses Melting Icebergs To Bring Local Food To Greenland

But then there are ideas like this one: Why not use the nutrient-rich water to help grow local food for Greenland, which currently ships in almost all of its produce from overseas? French architecture students came up with the idea for Arctic Harvester, a floating hydroponic farm and village, while doing research for another project on Greenland. “We were struck by the idea that Greenland's icebergs support such rich localized ecosystems…An iceberg is an oasis,” says Meriem Chabani, who worked on the concept along with Etienne Chobaux, John Edom, and Maeva Leneveu. “We had what seemed to us a massive resource on one hand, and a massive lack--no local produce--on the other.” The structure also has space for 800 people to live.

As icebergs move, the structure would move with it. Arctic Harvester Proposes Large-Scale Hydroponic-Farming Near Greenland. Arctic Harvester was the first prize winning entry in the “Innovation and Architecture for the Sea” category of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation International Architecture Competition, 2013.

Arctic Harvester Proposes Large-Scale Hydroponic-Farming Near Greenland

It proposes an itinerant soil-less agricultural infrastructure designed to drift the circulating ocean currents between Greenland and Canada, exploiting the nutrient-rich fresh water released by melting icebergs as the basis for a large-scale hydroponic-farming system. The floating facility is equipped to house a community of 800 people, inspired in its compact urban form by vertically oriented, bayside Greenlandic villages and their social, cultural and economic relationship to the sea. The project was instigated as a response to Greenland’s agricultural dependence, requiring the importation of almost all of required fresh fruit and vegetables from its less climatically and soil-fertility challenged neighbors. Urban Strategies Team.