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Sociology of Justice

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Theories of Crime: Classical, Biological, Sociological, Interactionist. Pcdint95. 4) Interactionist perspective. Interactionists disagree with functionalist on both the idea that society has a consensus about what crime is and the idea that crime is caused by “external forces”.

4) Interactionist perspective

Instead Blumer said everybody commits crimes and deviance, it is more important to look at the way society reacts to this behaviour. Howard Becker said that society creates rules, and by doing this anyone who acts outside of these rules is a deviant. The Interactionist Perspective. The Functionalist Perspective on Deviance. 2) Functionalist perspective. Crime is inevitable – Durkheim, a functionalist, said that crime is inevitable in society.

2) Functionalist perspective

This is because not everyone will buy into the collective sentiments of society, and will deviate from these norms and beliefs. Durkheim said a certain amount of crime and deviance as normal and an integral part of all healthy societies. The Functionalist Perspective. The Marxist Perspective on Society. Includes some of the Key Ideas of Karl Marx, including Bourgeoisie/ Proletariat, exploitation, false consciousness, ideological control, and revolution.

The Marxist Perspective on Society

This is a simplified version of Marxist Theory designed for second year A level students In order to fully understand Marxism, you need to understand the work of Karl Marx, who produced most of his writing between 1840 and 1870. Pcdevmx. Marxism and Crime. Marxists essentially see crime and deviance as defined by the ruling class and used as a means of social control – if you don’t conform then you will be punished.

Marxism and Crime

Institutions such as the police, the justice system, prisons and schools, the family and religion are there to encourage you to conform. They argue that white collar crimes (which tend to be committed by the more powerful in society) are ignored, while crimes committed by the less powerful in society such as burglary and street crime are focussed on and seen as more serious.

Marxists would also argue that different social classes are policed differently, with the working class heavily policed in the expectation that they will be more criminal and therefore raising the chances of their crimes being detected. Functionalism (philosophy of mind) - Wikipedia. Since mental states are identified by a functional role, they are said to be realized on multiple levels; in other words, they are able to be manifested in various systems, even perhaps computers, so long as the system performs the appropriate functions.

Functionalism (philosophy of mind) - Wikipedia

While computers are physical devices with electronic substrate that perform computations on inputs to give outputs, so brains are physical devices with neural substrate that perform computations on inputs which produce behaviors. An important part of some accounts of functionalism is the idea of multiple realizability. Since, according to standard functionalist theories, mental states are the corresponding functional role, mental states can be sufficiently explained without taking into account the underlying physical medium (e.g. the brain, neurons, etc.) that realizes such states; one need only take into account the higher-level functions in the cognitive system. A Level Sociology Revision. Report Writing Support. As you write, ask yourself: Why have they asked for a report?

Report Writing Support

What do they need to know? How will they use the report? Australian Institute of Criminology - Crime types.