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Trouble shooting. WP. Learn to code. The 1140px CSS Grid System · Fluid down to mobile. Create a new Fiddle. CSS Buttons with Pseudo-elements. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create buttons with a twist, using just one anchor tag per button and the great power of CSS. View demo Download source Hola, amigos.

For the last month or so, I’ve been experimenting with the power of CSS pseudo-elements, specially when it comes to mixing them with buttons and that way recreating some great effects that were only possible to do with sprites, in the past. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create buttons with a twist, using just one anchor tag per button and the great power of CSS. The font used is ‘Open Sans’ by Steve Matteson.

Disclaimer:I’ll not be using CSS vendor prefixes in this tutorial or else it would be crazy long, but you will find them in the downloadable files. I avoided CSS transitions since, right now, Firefox is the only browser that supports them on pseudo-elements. Markup Example 1 I think this is the easiest one, with a very regular CSS. Then, we create the gray container using the ::before pseudo-element. Example 2. CSS3 Generator. Less Framework 4. I called Less Framework "a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites". It was basically a fixed-width grid that adapted to a couple of then popular screen widths by shedding some of its columns.

It also had matching typographic presets to go with it, built with a modular scale based on the golden ratio. The resources it was originally published with are still available on GitHub. Contrary to how most CSS frameworks work, Less Framework simply provided a set of code comments and visual templates, instead of having predefined classes to control the layout with. This is how I still work today and definitely a method I advocate. Predefined layout code makes too many assumptions, getting in the way whenever I try to do anything different. /* Default Layout: 992px. Less Framework was popular in the early days of responsive design. Eventually, I moved on from fixed-width grid systems and worked on a fully fluid-width one, in the form of Golden Grid System.


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