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Data Mining, Analytic and Big Data. Open Government. تغريدات - مشروع تعريب تويتر. Work · Imazon. Javi Santana. The US ZIPScribble Map. What would happen if you were to connect all the ZIP codes in the US in ascending order? Is there a system behind the assignment of ZIP codes? Are they organized in a grid? The result is surprising and much more interesting than expected. The idea for the ZIPScribble came from playing with Ben Fry’s excellent zipdecode. (ZIPScribble Map PDF) The patterns and density distribution are readily apparent, and can in fact be seen much better than when only the dots are drawn. (ZIPScribble Map Color PDF) Not surprisingly, some of the white lines really separate states, others don’t. (ZIPScribble Map Color with Names PDF) Adding the colors clearly adds information, but it also removes some of the mystery.

Since the lines between the denser areas could still be artifacts, let’s add a backdrop to see if they really are state lines. (ZIPScribble Map B/W with Borders) (ZIPScribble Map Color with Borders PDF) As some of the comments below have mentioned, Alaska and Hawaii are missing from this map. Map of the Market. Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business.

Data Visualizations, Challenges, Community. Why You Should Pay Attention to Node.Js. Blog, Do protected areas attract civil conflicts? A cool analysis made using CartoDB. Cluster - Node.js v0.6.0 Manual. Cluster A single instance of Node runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node processes to handle the load. The cluster module allows you to easily create a network of processes all which share server ports. var cluster = require('cluster');var http = require('http');var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length; if (cluster.isMaster) { for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { cluster.fork(); } cluster.on('death', function(worker) { console.log('worker ' + + ' died'); });} else { http.Server(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200); res.end("hello world\n"); }).listen(8000);} Running node will now share port 8000 between the workers: % node server.js Worker 2438 online Worker 2437 online The difference between cluster.fork() and child_process.fork() is simply that cluster allows TCP servers to be shared between workers. cluster.fork is implemented on top of child_process.fork.

Cluster.fork() # cluster.isMaster # UK ZIPScribble Map « blog. Profound Heterogeneity » About. Burning the Boats/Books For the past 400 years, give or take 100, knowledge has primarly been structured by the codex form. Since the inviting of the printing press rules, customs, laws, and social practices have become organized around the idea that a book is the ideal medium for delivering content. The digital network alters this, or at least in theory ought to alter this. The existence of the digital networked archive reveals as historical many of the principles analog culture treats as natural. Nowhere is this perhaps more clear than in the world of academia, where being a published author serves as proof of expertise, and tenure decisions (especially within the humanities) revolve around being the author of a published book.

A brief story to explain . . . In April of 2010 I gave a talk to the Digital Writing and Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin, titled “Burn the Boats/Books.” What Would Scholarship Look Like If It Were Not Designed to End Up in Books? Making the University a Police State. This weekend The Chronicle of Higher Education published an opinion piece by Michael Morris arguing that in the name of campus security campuses should start data mining all student internet traffic.

Or as the not so subtle, fear mongering, almost fit for Fox News title says, “Mining Student Data Could Save Lives.” Morris’s article to put the matter bluntly is a phenomenally bad idea. Indeed his argument so ill conceived that it is difficult to know where to begin in exposing the problems. I even question The Chronicle’s choice to publish this piece. Let’s start by being clear on what Morris is calling for. In other words Morris is calling not for data mining, as his title suggests, but rather for total surveillance of all student internet activity with an eye towards mining that data. Technologically Morris doesn’t know what he is talking about and ethically he equates himself with some of the world’s most oppressive governments. Morris’s logic goes something like this. Science Made Cool: Biology. My personal fitness plan revolves around trees. We have a wood stove which contributes a not-inconsiderable fraction of our home heating during the winter, and that means I have to spend spring and summer refilling the woodpile.

Mostly I cut up deadfalls, but occasionally I do cut down trees which look as though they're going to fall down anyway, or which are in places I don't want them to be. (I've tried asking them politely to move, but they ignore me.) Earlier this summer I took down a medium-sized pine tree, about 40 feet tall, in order to bring more light to part of the yard. I cut off the branches, then sliced the trunk into 16-inch sections so that I could split them and burn them later. Now, pine wood isn't as dense as, say, maple or oak, so it doesn't burn as hot. A couple of weeks later I happened to pass the stack of pine logs, and I noticed something. The first was the sawdust. I bent closer and noticed the second thing. So the lesson for today is: listen to your wood. Science Made Cool.

'We Are The 99 Percent' Is the Best Populist Message We've Had in Years - Action. Open Government Partnership | ONO - Survival in the digital age. Tools | Message in-a-Box. Accesskey, l'essai non transformé de l'accessibilité. Le principe des accesskeys est particulièrement simple et direct : permettre à l'utilisateur d'atteindre et d'activer liens et contrôles de formulaire HTML à l'aide de combinaisons de touches clavier librement déterminées par le concepteur. De la sorte, l'interactivité dans une page ne dépend plus de la seule souris : un utilisateur de lecteur d'écran, un utilisateur handicapé moteur, ou un banal amateur de racourcis clavier... peuvent renseigner un formulaire ou activer un lien avec le périphérique de leur choix, puisque d'autres dispositifs sauront exploiter ce qui est prévu pour le clavier. Cette solution est d'autant plus attractive que le prix à payer pour le concepteur est réduit : un simple attribut de l'élément concerné suffit à spécifier la touche à utiliser.

L'immaturité de ce mécanisme nous fait pourtant reprendre ici l'expression de Joe Clark, qui, tout en soulignant son excellent potentiel, le qualifie de délinquant juvénile du HTML accessible... Conclusion ? Touche 0. We are the 1 percent. Remember *That* Picture?