Cultura visual y fotografía. My favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings – Life, Unintended. Like so many other Fujifilm users out there, one of the main things that drew me into the X series system was the quality of their jpg files and the film simulations.
The colors and details are just stunning, and as someone who grew up with film photography in the 80s, the idea of having film simulations directly in the camera was just perfect! That being said, as much as I appreciated the quality of the jpgs, I almost always ended up working on the raw files for the added post-processing flexibility and to get a more stylized look. It’s nothing short of amazing the range you get when editing Fujifilm’s raf files, especially when it comes to recovering shadows and highlights.
But the greatest thing about working in raw quickly became my biggest problem: the endless possibilities provided by editing these files means it’s a never-ending task. You can get as many different looks as you want, none necessarily “better” than the others, just different. Color. The Best Photography Channel On YouTube. 50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Photo Tutorials. About The Author Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running … More about Vitaly Friedman … Over the recent months we’ve been presenting various showcases of photography – while many readers hated the showcases, most readers found them inspirational and perfect for a lousy workday’s morning.
However, what we should have done in the inspirational posts is not just provide you with some inspiration for your work, but also present useful photographic techniques which can help you to achieve optimal pictures for your designs. And as requested by many of you, now it’s time to correct our mistake. Over the recent months we’ve been presenting various showcases of photography – while many readers hated the showcases, most readers found them inspirational and perfect for a lousy workday’s morning. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11.
Fan Ho's street photography: How Hong Kong looked like 60 years ago. Last updated: September 29, 2020 Fan Ho – Hong Kong Venice, 1962 Published: February 8, 2017 Fan Ho biography Born in Shanghai in 1931 but moved to Hong Kong early in his life, Fan Ho was a renowned actor, film director, and photographer who has won numerous awards (280 awards, empirically speaking) for his work since 1956.
In his teens, he began to photograph the drama of city life, ranging from the teeming markets to desolate alleyways. A proud self-taught photographer, Fan Ho’s images present a fascination with urban life, slums, dark alleys, streets, and markets as well as street vendors and kids who were a few years his junior. Content of his photography Fan Ho – Works, 1964 Fan Ho – Lines & Forms, 1959 Most of the scenes captured by Ho show an ordinary city setting.
More tellingly is how Fan Ho captured the things dangling over narrow laneways and streets in most of the photographs. Why is Fan Ho important? Fan Ho holds a significant place in the art history of China. Accomplishments Camera. Revista Fotógraphos (download) Se você visita o Fós Grafê há algum tempinho já deve ter me visto falar sobre a extinta revista Fotógraphos – já até publiquei alguns artigos dela por aqui.
Foram 13 edições no total e ela simplesmente sumiu, nem no site (que também desapareceu) colocaram alguma explicação de porque pararam de produzir a publicação. Na minha modesta opinião, foi a melhor revista de fotografia já feita no Brasil. É uma pena que ela tenha durado tão pouco tempo. Acredito que foi falta de apoio, já que não estava vinculada a nenhuma editora. Mas era muito bem produzida, tinha um conteúdo escolhido a dedo e a impressão era excelente. Mas chega de saudade. Fotógraphos 01 Matéria de capa – Como fotografar pessoas Portfólio – Lúcio Camargo, fotógrafo e laboratorista que não abre mão do preto e branco.
Fotógraphos 02 Matéria de capa – Fotografando paisagens Portfólio – Adriano Gambarini, especializado em fotografia de natureza Artigos – A importância do direito autoral e O Fotógrafo Curioso. Leia também: