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DIY Ultimate Note-Taking Notebook. This is sort of mid-range between what I do and a Moleskine.

DIY Ultimate Note-Taking Notebook

What I do: 1. Take a regular pad of yellow notepaper (glued at the top). Preferably 100 post-consumer because it's only practical to write on one side. 2. 2a. Cheaper than other systems, only takes a few minutes to accomplish, still includes removable paper for easy scanning, and no guilt for using a $20 notebook. I do this because I really can't justify the expense for note-taking. (I do carry a small Moleskine notebook, the cheap paper-bound one, for on-the-fly note taking). But, of course, I read Lifehacker religiously so, sooner or later, I'll try something like this.

WordNet Search - 3.1. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley. Sistema de riego por goteo solar y reciclado. AquaHarvest rainwater harvesting system reduces use of potable water. Out of the total water consumption of any average household, about a third is used for irrigation and gardening, something which isn’t in lines with the current environmental condition.

AquaHarvest rainwater harvesting system reduces use of potable water

With about a billion people in the world striving hard to obtain just a few liters of freshwater every day, it becomes necessary for the urban world to regulate freshwater consumption and harvest rainwater for tasks such as gardening or washing the car. The AquaHarvest by industrial designer Bernardo Bajana aims to do just that in a more convenient manner. Rainwater harvesting systems currently available on the market today are either too expensive or too difficult to use and maintain.

Most affordable rainwater harvesting systems, which come in the shape of trashcans, do collect a considerable amount of water, but reusing all that water is a tad difficult. The system makes use of modern and clean materials that allow it to be placed in any outdoor space. Accumuwater Water Tower collects rainwater for gardening. Accumuwater Water Tower collects rainwater for gardening Eco Factor: Rainwater harvesting system provides freshwater for garden use.

Accumuwater Water Tower collects rainwater for gardening

The Accumuwater Water Tower by designers over at Mojorno aims to provide water to people living in areas with no sources of freshwater. The nature-inspired system takes the shape of a tower with a hollow center, which is used for collecting rainwater. The idea of the project is to place these towers in strategic locations, where they can collect rainwater and provide it to plants and vegetables growing in their vicinity. Users can also fasten a small hose to the base of tower to reuse water elsewhere. Via: Mojorno. Interesting Search Engines. Estudiante mexicano gana el Premio Braun 2012 de diseño industrial por su juguete educativo.

José Gilberto González Méndez estudia en el Centro de Investigaciones de Diseño Industrial (CIDE) de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM y gracias a su creación “Ollin” se llevó el Premio Braun 2012, otorgado en Alemania, en la categoría Estudiantes Latinoamericanos.

Estudiante mexicano gana el Premio Braun 2012 de diseño industrial por su juguete educativo

En esta edición, el Premio Braun recibió 2,399 diseños de 73 países, de los cuales, 1,850 eran de estudiantes. Y de todos esos, el de José Gilberto González Méndez se llevó el primer premio. ¿Pero… de qué se trata “Ollin”? La palabra ollin (del náhuatl, significa movimiento perpetuo) y su diseño es un conjunto de piezas flexibles y rígidas que permiten construir una serie de criaturas animales, una más compleja que la otra, imitando el proceso de la evolución. El autor del juguete dijo: Es un juguete que puede reinventarse por años a través del niño, y evitará que decenas de otros juguetes sean adquiridos y desechados, esto es bueno para la economía familiar y para el ambiente.

11 classic ebony wood earphones by antonio meze. Apr 24, 2013 11 classic ebony wood earphones by antonio meze ’11 classic ebony wood earphones’ by antonio meze romanian industrial designer antonio meze has created ‘meze 11 classics earbuds’, a series of handcrafted headphones using an ebony wood enclosure. embedded with high-performance neodymium transducers, the 8mm speakers reproduce crisp but warm, natural sounds. designed for today’s big city lifestyle, the earpieces incorporate a microphone on its braided textile cord and comes with three differernt sized soft silicone bud replacements with an EVA carrying case.

11 classic ebony wood earphones by antonio meze

E.L.A on Behance. KNEKK on Industrial Design Served. Curl on Industrial Design Served. Tres Chair on Industrial Design Served. Eco Bath System on Industrial Design Served. Wood veneer lamps concept on Industrial Design Served. Tool concept study for motorcycles on Industrial Design Served. Wandy on Industrial Design Served. Industrial design magazine + resource / Articles Archive.

Core77 Design Awards 2012: Congratulations to All 200+ Awardees!

industrial design magazine + resource / Articles Archive

From Paris to Brasília, Seoul to San Francisco, Chengdu to Brooklyn, we hope you enjoyed tuning into our global celebration of design excellence! Thanks to all those who participated in this year's program and a special thank you to our jury teams who had the tremendous job of reviewing this year's submissions—we couldn't have done it without you! Case Study: Outlier on Creating the 21st Century Jean We've been fans of Outlier since they first launched, and as designers, cyclists and 21st-Century urbanites, we're duly impressed with Abe and Tyler's continued commitment to innovation in apparel and accessories.

The Brooklyn-based brand has built an ever-growing cult following over the years, and we're pleased to present an inside look at their rigorous design process. Visualizing Change: An Conversation between Designer's Accord and the Noun Project. ID Magazine Served. Human Connectedness / Projects / Iso-phone. Media Lab Europe Human Connectedness research group Iso-phone a total submersion telephonic experience James Auger, Jimmy Loizeau, Stefan Agamanolis The Iso-phone is a telecommunication device providing a service that can be described simply as a meeting of the telephone and the floatation tank. By blocking out peripheral sensory stimulation and distraction, the Iso-phone creates a telephonic communication space of heightened purity and focus. The user wears a helmet that blocks out all peripheral sensory stimulation while keeping the head above the surface of the water.

New product design - Folding Razor  Phones of the future Technology devices Future camera design of Razor, of product design. Design central fireplace (wood-burning open hearth) - DROP by Iosa Ghini - Antrax IT - Videos. Drop is a fireplace with none of the rigid aesthetic and constructive constraints that generally apply to this type of product. It expresses itself with a great deal of majesty and force, giving an entirely new form to heat and to the flame. It features a mouth that contains the fire and is built on a sheet of laser-cut, varnished steel and has a central chimney, which makes it a focal point of a room and not just an object relegated to marginal spaces. Drop is a suspended body over the house - an active, dynamic and changing environment, able to interpret the needs of contemporary living with harmony. ID Mouse by Intelligent Design.

20 Nov Grade-1 Titanium perfection at your fingertips No idea how much this mouse costs, but it can’t be cheap.

ID Mouse by Intelligent Design

Probably pretty damn close to the cost of my computer, I’m guessing. Doesn’t change the fact that Intelligent Design from the Netherlands created one impressive mouse. Izhar cardboard bike project. Intermission: Hauntingly Beautiful, Wildly Low-cost Solution to Clearing Afghan Landmines.