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Educational Discourse. Recently I’ve been discussing with a number of educators different tools that teachers can use with students or on their own for learning, sharing, and collaboration.

Educational Discourse

There are many websites that do a tremendous job of exploring different tools that teachers can access like TeachThought, freetech4teachers , edutopia, edudemics and many more. There are also many educators that have great resources for specific apps/tools like Evernote and EduClipper where you can get great information about how to use these tools in the classroom. With that being the case, I don’t usually write about tools too much. However, I have been using a specific tool for curating items from the web for a number of years now and thought it would be worth sharing. Latest News and Opinion on DecaPost.

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OUTILS DE VEILLE PEDAGOGIQUE ET TECHNOLOGIQUE. The Verge. Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines. CONFERENCES. ESL. SERIOUS GAME. Péda. Pédagogie et TIC. Serious Game. Serious game. Serious Game. HEURISTIQUE. E-LEARNING. Andragogie et formation pour adultes. Issue 16.1 (Fall 2011) - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.