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The 10 best Android games to play on your TV with Chromecast. Just Dance was a popular choice on the Wii, and it makes a pretty good transition to the Chromecast.

The 10 best Android games to play on your TV with Chromecast

When you fire it up for the first time grab a cup of coffee, as it takes a while to download the playlist of 97 different songs. The game is then what you’d expect: you mimic a translucent dancing figure to rack up points. Your phone’s accelerometer tracks you along the way, rewarding you for getting down. If you enjoy the game, you can skip the commercials and get the full song library by buying a VIP pass as an in-app purchase. But it’s crazy expensive: $0.99 for an hour, $1.99 for two hours or $54.99 for a year.

Just Dance Now (free) Population Matters » For a sustainable future. Brains for the Earth. As part of a new study on wave power, the University of Exeter and Tel Aviv University have come up with a system that predicts the power of waves in order to maximize wave energy devices' ability to generate energy from the sea.

Brains for the Earth

The researchers found that this system could potentially double the amount of wave energy generated by a device. reports, "The research focused on point absorbers, commonly-used floating devices with parts that move in response to waves, generating energy which they feed back to the grid. Point absorbers are already known to be much more efficient in the amount of energy they produce if their response closely matches the force of the waves and previous research has looked at trying to increase this efficiency. However, this is the first study that has focused on increasing the device's efficiency by predicting and controlling internal forces of the device caused by forthcoming waves. " Wave energy potential is huge. Image via mikebaird. Todo el Diseño nacional e Internacional. Aquí está uno de los más elegantes y brillantes casas contenedor de transporte que he visto.

Todo el Diseño nacional e Internacional

No sólo es frugal la moda – desde los contenedores de transporte para vender una canción, pero este es tan alegre como una lonchera de metal de color rojo brillante. Sustainability Workshop Home Page. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future - A/42/427 Annex. Green School. For people and quality of life - Design for the other 90% Independent think tank and strategy consultancy. Inspired & Inspiring Sustainable Digital Designer Rebekah Lock a Creative for Causes.

Inspired & Inspiring Sustainable Digital Designer Rebekah Lock a Creative for Causes August 16, 2011 Rebekah Lock comes from a small town and always dreamed of taking on a creative role in a big city agency.

Inspired & Inspiring Sustainable Digital Designer Rebekah Lock a Creative for Causes

She has discovered that her real passion lies in a hands-on approach. Currently she happily works at a leading agency for sustainable and urban design creating designs for cause-related projects. In an effort to channel her obsessive passion to constantly inspire and be creative, she has launched an informal online design community- Geekhearts which focuses on providing inspiration for designers. What is your earliest memory involving art? L: Finalist in whisky art competition R: Commission for large-format retirement award © Rebekah Lock What is your educational and professional background? Drawn by hand for wedding stationery © Rebekah Lock What is the art scene like in South London?

What are you favorite subjects to draw? How do you get inspiration? April 16, 2014 March 21, 2014. How To Live Green. Ecología urbana. La ecología urbana es una disciplina cuyo objeto de estudio son las interrelaciones entre los habitantes de una aglomeración urbana y sus múltiples interacciones con el ambiente. Es una disciplina con un campo teórico en formación que aplicase conceptos y teorías de la ecología tradicional, pero que se nutre con el diálogo con otras disciplinas (urbanismo, economía, sociología, antropología, geografía, ingeniería, derecho e historia). Surge, sin duda, como una reacción contra la excesiva especialización de cada una de las áreas de conocimiento. Algunos de sus objetivos más relevantes son el análisis de la estructura urbana, la cuantificación de los flujos de materia y energía que interrelacionan la ciudad con su entorno y permiten su continuidad, el estudio de los impactos producidos por las distintas actividades humanas sobre el ambiente y la búsqueda de criterios multifacéticos para la gestión de las ciudades.
