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Descubre 21 nuevos usos para objetos de uso diario. Con un poco de ingenio, puedes hacer que los objetos que usas a diario tengan muchas más funciones que las que les fueron asignadas.

Descubre 21 nuevos usos para objetos de uso diario

Reversible - Eco design, sacs et objets deco en bâche recyclée. 25 Utensilios viejos que fueron reutilizados ingeniosamente. Email Todos tenemos en casa algunas antigüedades de cocina de nuestras abuelas o utensilios viejos que pueden ser reutilizados ingeniosamente.Con tu imaginación puedes cambiar eso y hacer algo interesante, reutilizándolos y dándoles otro uso.

25 Utensilios viejos que fueron reutilizados ingeniosamente

Aquí tienes algunas ideas, como por ejemplo una lámpara de techo reciclando un viejo colador o con unas antiguas tazas de té, percheros o porta-retratos hechos con tenedores, pavas o regaderas formando un bella fuente de agua, etc. Fuentes: DIY Pallet Swing: Simple and easy way to craft up your own swing! Marbles Candle Holder. What you need are some Cats Eyes Glass Marble (buy here), a CD and instant adhesive (buy here).

Marbles Candle Holder

The result is very beautiful and impressive because the candle/the bulb lights glow(s) through the balls! Steps: On the CD, stick the balls one by one. It is important to be instant adhesive, so the balls to stay stable! Make three layers. Allow the glue to dry for 5 minutes. 8 DIY pallet coffee tables. Pallets are some of the most versatile pieces of material you can find and they’re not even designed for this purpose.

8 DIY pallet coffee tables

Pallets can be easily repurposed and used to create all sorts of ingenious pieces of furniture. In this article we’re going to focus on coffee tables but if you want to see more inspiring pallet designs you can check our other articles on this theme. We have a great selection of DIY projects and they all involve pallets. Now let’s take a look at some coffee tables. 1. This coffee table is actually just inspired by industrial pallets and made of varnished solid wood. 2. It’s quite difficult to say which table was inspired by which. 3. DIY: Sock Teddy Bear.

This next DIY project is very cute and your children will love the outcome of it.

DIY: Sock Teddy Bear

We will show you how to make a teddy bear from a sock. You will need: a sock (any color you would like your teddy bear to be), a piece of white material, scissor, needle, thread, pencils and cotton wool). First of all, start drawing the teddy bear on the sock, just like in the picture. When you are ready, start cutting the sock. DIY String Map Art. This next art project, involves the creation of string art and can be a nice decoration in your home.

DIY String Map Art

You can hang it on the wall or just place it on a shelf, it will look good in both ways. You will need a wooden board, we used a 12” x 12” one. Then you will need paint, small nails, tape, a hammer and your template. The template we propose here is a map and we also cut out a heart in the middle of it so to look even cuter. We hammered the nails around the template, removed it, and started wrapping the strings around the nails. This project belongs to the Harpster Home. Recycled Wood Pallet: Decoration and Functionality. A new trend in home improvement is to try to create more personalized space that would reflect your preferences and character, rooms full of originality and creativity.

Recycled Wood Pallet: Decoration and Functionality

Although tastes are so varied , you can bring in your home with minimal financial investment, extraordinary decorative and useful furniture, sofas, tables, shelves made ​​from … wood pallets. Wood pallets have stopped being just simple building material and began to be used independently, in order to achieve originality and also cheap furniture. Recycle Pallets and Turn Them Into Unique Pieces of Furniture. Do you have some pallets or pieces of them that you don’t need anymore?

Recycle Pallets and Turn Them Into Unique Pieces of Furniture

Don’t just throw them away. DIY Project: Recycled Light Bulbs. Here we have an ingenious idea regarding burnt-out light bulbs.

DIY Project: Recycled Light Bulbs

It’s easier to throw away a burnt-out bulb, but it is lovelier for it to be transformed into a decorative item. If you don’t want to waste your burn-out incandescent light bulbs, we came up with a very simple way of recycling them. Different Recycled Ideas by Green Spirit Creations. Green Spirit Creations was founded in 2012 by sister and brother as a school project, which idea was to recycle all the cardboard retail companies threw away.

Different Recycled Ideas by Green Spirit Creations

The company gradually developed into aspiring young designers’ community, which invited youth to share their ecologic design ideas and even try to sell them worldwide. All creations are made with an idea, that recycled goods can be the same or even better quality compared to ones that are made from raw materials. All of the designing, marketing and production work is done by young people who want to prove their skills and test themselves in a global scale competition.

“We try to take as much as possible recyclable waste from local businesses and manufacturers to use for recycling. In that way we can get a lot of different materials to play with and thoroughly test exciting and unseen design ideas. “COVER” table lamp, made from used cardboard boxes, which we collect from local grocery stores. DIY: Unique Lamp by Using Soda Can Tabs. Portedocument. Comment fabriquer une surface de travail pour un atelier! 26 trucs de rangement pour votre atelier. Creative and Unique Flower Pots. 19 recyclages astucieux d’une simple planche à roulette… 19 recyclages astucieux d’une simple planche à roulette… Sur Internet, on voit de plus en plus souvent apparaître ces articles vous invitant à détourner de vieux objets de leur utilisation première. Une manière positive de recycler qui touche autant à l’écologie qu’à l’esthétisme. Voici un nouvel exemple de ce phénomène d’upcycling avec ces planches de skate qui s’offrent une seconde vie totalement inattendue.

Vous n’avez pas pu les manquer, les exemples de recyclages astucieux fleurissent sur la toile. Détourner des déchets (et objets inutilisés) de manière ingénieuse pour leur donner une nouvelle utilisation pratico-artistique semble devenir un véritable phénomène de société, puisant, parfois à tort, parfois à raison, dans les valeurs de l’écologie. De prime à bord, on imagine pas forcément qu’une vieille planche de skate puisse finir ses beaux jours comme horloge, comme guitare électrique, comme paire de lunettes tendance ou comme montre. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIY. I Created A Victorian Dollhouse Out Of An Old Shipping Carton As a child I loved to play with paper dolls and build them tiny homes in cardboard boxes. 20 years later and having two children myself, I wondered if it was possible to bring the idea of those little carton houses... Caroletta Car Crash Survivor Turns Her Back Brace Into Steampunk Armor.