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Sundance 2016: 'The Eagle Huntress' an enchanting tale of girl power. “The Eagle Huntress,” a documentary that’s as unlikely as it is enchanting, has landed in Sundance, and falling under its sway is inevitable. The story introduces Aisholpan, a 13-year-old girl from Mongolia who bucked 2,000 years of tradition to become the first female to hunt with formidable golden eagles in a locale director Otto Bell describes as “the most remote part of the least-populated country in the world. It’s not the end of the world, but you can see it from there.”

A demure, shy girl with bright eyes and a shining smile, Aisholpan and her parents made the trip to Park City to promote the film and to appear in a media event with eagles provided by the Comanche nation. Her own eagle, Akkatnat or White Wings, is back home in Mongolia, where the rest of her nomadic family is, and when asked whether she missed the enormous beast, Aisholpan’s face lit up like a star. Sundance Film Festival 2016: Full coverage | Photos of the scene “It was minus-50 degrees, brutally cold conditions.

Best Online Resources for Early Childhood Teachers. I taught preschool for five years. I think I may have learned more in those five years than I did during any of my other 15 years of teaching. Teaching in early childhood is different. You need a whole other set of strategies and techniques to be effective. There were two things that got me through those years teaching little ones. 1.Teach Preschool by Deborah Stewart Teach Preschool by Deborah Stewart is phenomenal, and that’s not an overstatement. 2. If you need a fun craft or activity for your class, Happy Hooligans is your source. 3. Debbie Clement is an online resource that’s hard to sum up in a single link or image. 4.

This blog has tons of teaching advice for the pre-k crowd. 5. If you’re looking for hands on learning activities to do with your class, Preschool Inspirations is the place to be. 6. More reflective in style, Teacher Tom is a goldmine. 7.Childhood 101 8. Hands on : As We Grow is another resource-rich website. 9. 10. What are your favorite early childhood resources? 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom. 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff We’ve talked about the definition of intrinsic motivation in the past. We’ve also talked about some basic ways to improve student motivation.

This time, it’s Mia MacMeekin‘s turn to speak to you about the same, but through gridded, blocked, and easy to read infographics. Some were a little iffy–“praise” and “milestones” seemed a little closer to extrinsic motivation. Our favorites? 5. 7. 8. 22. 23. 24. 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom; 27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom.

15 Digital Storytelling Tools.