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Ce que mon voyage #Winch5 m'a appris sur les langues. Syria Under Siege: Pictures of Civilians, FSA Fighters. Anonymous pirate et divulgue des mails de conseillers d'Assad. Journalist-activist killed in Homs. “Omar the Syrian" was the pseudonym of Mazhar Tayyara, a stringer for Agence France-Presse and activist killed in overnight shelling of the city of Homs, where regime forces stand accused of having carried out a "massacre.

Journalist-activist killed in Homs

" The 24-year-old engineering student left his home in Inshaat district in the middle of the night and went to the protest stronghold of Khaldiyeh that was bearing the brunt of an onslaught last Friday, activists said. "He was trying to help some people wounded in the bombardment when a second volley of shells fell and he was hit," a friend told AFP. "He was hit in the head, the stomach and in a leg and died of his injuries three hours later in hospital," early Saturday, the friend, who lives outside Syria, said requesting anonymity. Tayyara was stringing for several media including the AFP video service, the British daily The Guardian, and the German newspaper Die Welt.

He also appeared on the satellite networks Al-Jazeera and CNN. Tele Liban staff call off protest after agreement on wages. BEIRUT: Employees at the government-run Tele Liban television channel called off a planned "escalation" in protests after receiving assurances that staff who had not been paid in February will get their pay checks.

Tele Liban staff call off protest after agreement on wages

A statement by Tele Liban union employees said the decision to grant the government a reprieve came following a meeting with Information Minister Walid Daouk, who promised that the government would pay their salaries. Lebanese middle class diminishing in size. BEIRUT: Lebanon’s once-thriving middle class is now shrinking in number as high inflation, relatively low wages and a lack of major investments in productive sectors take their toll on the population.Lebanon’s recovery from its 1975-90 Civil War has been less than complete, leaving a democratic society with virtually no middle class – normally the group that democratic nations depend on to prosper.

Lebanese middle class diminishing in size

That war “basically wiped out anything that’s called a middle class in favor of a small minority ... about 15 percent of the population, which became very rich,” says economist Simon Neaime. Neaime, a professor of economics at the American University of Beirut, says that most of the educated class, which used to form the backbone of the Lebanese economy before the Civil War, was forced to seek better jobs abroad to maintain the lifestyle which they enjoyed prior to the conflict. But the World Bank statistics tell Lebanon’s actual story. But few things have been the same since the conflict. Eight Things to Know Before Moving to Beirut. Chaîne de myTVus. Un nouveau blog Homo est ne au liban…. nice initiative #alloush et #zouzou « Ritachemaly's Blog. L’Observatoire urbain à Beyrouth : pour une lecture polysémique de la ville et du territoire.

Un hacker anti-Assad pirate le site de la chaîne de télévision NBN. Liberté de la presse : Le Liban chute de 15 places. Incident à Beyrouth entre un voiturier et un automobiliste, la blogosphère en ébullition. Social_Media_cheat_sheet1.png (1000×2990) How to Write a Film or Web Series Business Plan. The HollywoodPros App supports writers, actors, filmmakers and other professionals who want to earn more and enjoy more creative freedom in their work.

How to Write a Film or Web Series Business Plan

It delivers: Links to publishing, production, networking & industry research resources you’ll use every dayTactical/practical how-to guides that review how to profitably publish books and audio books, produce films, fund films, market your live events, build an audience that follows you from project to project, protect your work against copyright theft, create apps to sell your books, audio content, video content, web series, films, etc.Links to workshops, support groups, one-day training sessions.Easy access to a fast-growing community of creative entrepreneurs that get things done.

How Journalists Can Use LinkedIn. Many people think the main task of a journalist is to write.

How Journalists Can Use LinkedIn

That’s part of the job, of course, but sourcing and checking stories is probably as important. It has always been the case, but luckily, new tools have made our lives much easier. No need to make ten phone calls to locate the right person to interview, as social networks have become an important tool for newsrooms. This isn’t only about Facebook and Twitter; a professional network like LinkedIn can also prove very useful for reporters who know how to make the most of its advanced features. Here are a few tips you may want to try out: Ces vidéos sans « distinction » Il y a de l’amour dans l’air. : Les perles du web - La revue de web de la semaine (4 février) Nicolas Sarkozy a donc souhaité ses voeux à la presse cette semaine.

: Les perles du web - La revue de web de la semaine (4 février)

Et à moins de 100 jours de la présidentielle, ce n'est pas tout à fait un hasard s'il en a profité pour exposer sa satrtégie sur les réseaux sociaux que les camrades d'Owni ont décidé de décrypter dans une applicaiton dédiée : L'Elysée à la conquête de l'internet : Instagram photo contest open [Jordan]