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Olhando-para-o-céu: Alunos do 6º ano enviarão satélite ao espaço! Essa foi a notícia que acabei de ler e que despertou muito o meu interesse: alunos de uma escola estadual de Ubatuba, SP montaram um satélite e estão prestes a envia-lo para o espaço!

Olhando-para-o-céu: Alunos do 6º ano enviarão satélite ao espaço!

O projeto desses estudantes é o primeiro desenvolvido no mundo com jovens cientistas dessa idade. Foi iniciado ha 3 anos, quando eles estavam no 6ºano do ensino fundamental! Ao lado está a foto dessa turminha bem no inicio do projeto, publicada em 2011 pelo portal G1. Hoje, já no 9º ano, estão indo ao Japão para participar do Simpósio Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Espacial, patrocinado pela Agência Espacial Japonesa. Continue a leitura deste post para conhecer todos os detalhes desse projeto.

Com o apoio da escola, o professor organizou o laboratório de ciências da escola para a construção do satélite UbatubaSat, de apenas 20cm de altura - dá para ver ele e toda a equipe envolvida na foto ao lado - o satélite está sobre a mesa, na mão do professor Candido. Detalhes técnicos: ASTRONOMIA OBSERVACIONAL. Astrónomo Amador. CNC Cookbook: Astronomical Clock. Notes on Constructing an Orrery / Antikythera Mechanism I've always had a great interest in Astronomy, and I read with great interest recent articles about the Antikythera Mechanism, which was apparently an ancient orrery or simulator of motions of the heavenly bodies.

CNC Cookbook: Astronomical Clock

The machine, which was constructed circa 80 BC, could represent the motions of most heavenly bodies known in its time using a clockwork consisting of 37 gears. Differential Gear Mechanism Was Way Ahead of Its Time... The front dial would show the progression of the Sun and Moon through the Zodiac according to the ancient Egyptian calendar. The lower back dial gives the Metonic cycle, the Synodic cycle, and the Lunar year of 12 Synodic months.

Front and Back of a Reconstructed Model of the Antykthera Mechanism. The Art and Craftsmanship of Zeamon  Introduction I have always wanted to build a working model of our solar system (often called an Orrery) but was never able to find a design or set of plans that inspired me.

The Art and Craftsmanship of Zeamon 

Having never worked with gears, I believed that designing my own was far beyond my skill level, but that’s never stopped me before. I began reading books and articles about gears and researching the exact orbital periods of our moon and planets. Then quite accidentally I found a program called Gearotic Motion that allowed me to design and arrange gears interactively. Three months later I had come up with a design that inspired me. The model contains 30 gears and is driven by the small crank at the bottom. Orrery Concept Model Orrery Gear Ratios And Layout (Gearotic Motion) The concept drawing was done using 3DS MAX, a 3D modeling program.


Fé inteligente. Rodolpho Caniato. Astronomia Ao Vivo. Graphics. 100,000 Stars. NG Maps Print Collection - 1995 Heavens Star Map. Poster3.back.2000.JPG (2000×1029) National-geographic-milky-way-reference-map1.jpg (6000×3887) Map-of-the-universe.jpg (6000×3888) Star-wars-galaxy-map-big-version-detailed12.jpg (2786×1904) Binóculos Astronômicos - Casa do Astronomo. The Scale of the Universe 2. Physics and Astronomy. Publication Quality Sky Maps & Star Charts. 1337arts SkyView. Planet Hunters. WorldWide Telescope. Space Telescope Science Institute. Home. Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page.