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The best GIMP plugins. GIMP is the undisputed king of image editing in Linux platforms, and is next only to Photoshop in popularity in Windows and Mac platforms. With a large community of developers and an even larger pool of users, it is no surprise that GIMP is very popular. Much like Firefox, GIMP’s strength lies in its plugins, which are developed by the open-source toting community.

Since the users themselves develop them, they know all the needs and conceive a plugin for everything. And what better way for me to endorse GIMP than a list of good plugins? Most of them are aimed at web-designers and photographers, the main users of GIMP. There are also some to fix common problems of GIMP. You might also want to read our previous posts on GIMP: GIMP plugins for Web Design SaveForWeb: Find optimal compromise between minimal file size and acceptable quality of image quickly.

Photography plugins for GIMP Miscellaneous GIMP plugins Yin-Yang+: A seemingly useless plugin, but fun nonetheless. Gimp Icons and Emoticons Tutorials - Search for Gimp Tutorials on Pixel2Life. Tutorials » Gimp » Icons and Emoticons. Pandora: a GIMP Plugin for Making Panoramas. (and Tips for Making Panoramas in GIMP) Pandora is a GIMP script which helps in stitching together multiple images to make a panorama. It does not find image matches automatically, but it does automate the most tedious part of making a panorama: creating a large image in which your component images are loaded as separate layers, with initial spacings and layer masks.

The original version of Pandora was written in C and needed to be compiled, but the new version is written in the GIMP's native scripting language, "script-fu", and should install easily on any platform and any version of GIMP. Installing Pandora To install, just download pandora-combine-0.9.3.scm (right click on the link and select "Save Link As"), placing it into your personal GIMP scripts folder (see the Edit->Preferences dialog, Folders category, and click on Scripts if you're not sure where that is.) How to Use Pandora 1. 2. Note: if you don't normally show the Layers dialog, you'll definitely want it for making panoramas. Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Surveys. 60 ridiculously useful tools and generators for your blog or website.

Tools and generators for your website can be really useful. They are created to help you improve your website in many different ways. Here's a list with 60 of my personal favorite tools or generators for your website. Of course, all of these tools, websites and online generators are free to use. Enjoy and good luck with your blog. I've split the tools in several categories. Everything is listed alphabetically. Articles, Spelling / Translation Design & Color Forms Hosting, Domainname, DNS Programming and Coding Rankings SEO & Uptime Social Bookmarking Statistics Web 2.0 & Logo's Other If you know more ridiculously useful tools for your blog or website, feel free to share them in the comments.

Tags: tools website blog internet Interested in this topic? Funambol :: mobile open source. Illusion Sciences: why are we surprised by only some of the things that we see? Terminal colour highlights. I find it very productive working in a terminal environment, as it's efficient and flexible to deal with processes and data, especially text, and especially on remote machines. Now terminals have advanced in capability over time, with some form of "xterm" being the usual terminal of choice. Therefore one should not restrict programs to their usual monochrome defaults, as colour can be used to greatly ease the parsing of text by humans. We have dedicated sensors and portions of the brain specifically for colour, so we should not ignore them. It's a pity that most programs don't enable colours automatically when available, requiring the user to explicitly configure them to do so.

Note I'm not going to describe colour settings that most people know about already. Available colours ANSI colours The standard set of "ANSI" colours available, as output by this simple script , are shown below. 256 colours System colors: Color cube, 6x6x6: Grayscale ramp: Dark backgrounds Highlighting searches Some fun. Color chart, codes, hexadecimal rgb values. If you're looking for a 216 web safe color chart, you've come to the right place. However, before reviewing the chart, you may be interested in learning a little bit about the 216 web safe color codes. Netscape specified 216 colors that have precedence in web browsers based on the 256 colors displayed within an 8-bit system. As 40 colors displayed differently between PCs and MACs, they were eliminated. These 216 colors, known as web safe colors, are recognized by all web browsers and operating systems, which means these colors will look about the same within any browser.

RGB and Hexadecimal Web Safe Color Codes Colors are made up of 3 sets of RGB numbers representing the amount of Red, Green and Blue contained within a color. These colors are represented as hexadecimal values. For example, the hexadecimal numbers for black is #000000. However, colors containing RGB values of FF contain the most amount of a color or 100%. The hexadecimal numbers for red are FF0000.