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Safari Books Online. Introduction to User Stories. 1. Introduction to User Stories A good way to think about a user story is that it is a reminder to have a conversation with your customer (in XP, project stakeholders are called customers), which is another way to say it's a reminder to do some just-in-time analysis. In short, user stories are very slim and high-level requirements artifacts. 2. Initial User Stories (Informal) As you can see in Figure 1 user stories are small, much smaller than other usage requirement artifacts such as use cases or usage scenarios. It's important to recognize that each of the statements in Figure 1 represents a single user story. Figure 1. Important considerations for writing user stories: Stakeholders write user stories. Figure 2. 2.

Figure 3. 4. There are two areas where user stories affect the planning process on agile projects: Scheduling. Figure 4. 5. Inception. Figure 5. Figure 6. 6. During JIT analysis/model storming with stakeholders. Figure 7. 7. 8. Translations Japanese. Agile Alliance Group News. Retrospectives and feedback loops are at the heart of any successful Agile/Scrum implementation. They’re the tool we use to help teams improve. Yet in two day introduction to Agile classes they often get glossed over. Lacking time trainers (including this one) often race through the topic outlining only one simple type of retrospectives. The problem is a single approach to retrospectives make them boring and over time people lose interest in participating. Brian Lawrence, gives a quiet retrospective format that works well for a large group or people who don’t have experience working together before.

He get provides the team with a supply of 3x5 index cards or sticky notes, perhaps even different colors for the different categories. Jimmy Bosse, suggests that retrospectives are so important that no matter what happens they’re always required. Yves Hanoulle, replied saying: For me saying “NEVER stop retrospectives” is wrong. Nice big room with lots of open area. Jason’s sample agenda: Agile Techniques: Getting Started With Kanban. As agile software development methodologies become more familiar within mainstream IT organizations, agile practitioners have been experimenting with some of Agile's Lean roots. One lean practice that has gained traction with many agilists is a Kanban board. Lean has much in common with agile. Lean has two principles, add value for your customer and empower your workers. If we look at the Agile Manifesto's 4 we can see similarities between the manifesto and Lean principles: [login] Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Agile techniques emphasize empowering individuals on the team, as evidenced in the phrase "Individuals and Interactions over processes".

Teams looking to lean principles have been able to use Kanban boards both within existing agile structures and as a process that stands on its own. Organizational Buy-In. Example of a User Story | Agile Development Made Easy! DFW Scrum (Irving, TX) Welcome to DFW Scrum! Our goal is to help you do better today than you were doing yesterday. The best way to do that is through the collective wisdom and experience of the crowd (sprinkled with some industry experts). Scrum is very simple to understand, but very hard to implement as it takes your problems and throws them in your face each and every day. We consider ourselves an organic group that is designed to tackle the challenges and issues you face regardless of your role in Scrum. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month reserving the quarters for industry thought leaders / mentors who can provide direction and insight to questions we might have raised in past meetings.

Here are some links to help you get connected: Web Sites Blog: Scrum Alliance: Email Twitter @dfwscrum @lancedacy @charlesgary. Transforming the World of Work. Agile Project Management, Scrum, and Agile Development Tool | VersionOne. Improving Enterprises - Applied training, software delivery, certified consulting, rural sourcing.

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