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GLYPHICONS - library of precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols. Peculiar. Peculiar is a free icon package made only in CSS.


It was created for sites and web applications that depend on fewer HTTP requests as possible or don't need to use any image at all. The package contains 45 pictograms that are available in 16² pixels size. More icons are about to come in the future. The Icons The Goal Endless possibilities are coming with these type of icons. Peculiar is Retina-ready by design, meaning that the same code is used for both regular and Retina displays. Supporting this project Peculiar has been feature on The Icon Handbook by John Hicks. Peculiar and the CSS pictograms are licensed under GPL. Donations are greatly appreciated and it will guaratee that this project will stay forever free and open.

Legacy of Defeat - Making Badass Fonts. 50 banques d’images gratuites (et légales)… Si vous aimez le design et que vous pratiquez votre passion dans le plus strict respect des lois, alors les banques d’images gratuites, ça doit vous connaitre. Histoire de bien faire les choses, je vous propose donc de découvrir 50 adresses de sites qui risquent de s’avérer plutôt utiles. Alors la liste n’est pas exhaustive, c’est sûr, mais c’est déjà pas mal. MAJ : Cet article datant de quelques années, la plupart des ces banques d’images sont passées à un modèle payant. Donc si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez, vous pouvez également aller lire ce billet où vous trouverez trois méthodes pour trouver et pour télécharger des images gratuites et libres de droit.

TextureWarehouse : les textures y sont reines.FreeStockPhotos : ne vous fiez pas à son interface…MajesticImagery : de nombreuses galeries…BurningWell : euh… pareil :)DesignPack : images et thèmes à volonté…ZurbPhotos : des photos de Bryan Zmijewski à télécharger.AmazingTextures : lui aussi il porte bien son nom ! NounProject. Yahoo!™ 500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set. When I first stumbled across David Ferreira’s portfolio on ThemeForest, I couldn’t resist buying his Vcard Template, even though I didn’t plan on using it, but after I saw the amazing icons he designed for this template, first thing that came to my mind was to contact David regarding a collaboration with WPZOOM.

500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set: 500 free icons! As you can see, we had a productive collaboration which resulted with an awesome icon set that includes 100 icons of popular social networking websites. Every icon from WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set is available in 5 different sizes: 64×64, 48×48, 32×32, 24×24 and 16×16px (PNG & PSD format).

This means you get 500 beautiful icons! Download WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set100 icons × 5 sizes: 64×64, 48×48, 32×32, 24×24 and 16×16pxPNG and PSD format WHAT ABOUT LICENSING? WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set by WPZOOM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Moteur de Recherche d'Icônes - Téléchargez 313 284 icônes gratuites, icônes PNG, icônes Web. Moteur de Recherche de Dessins Vectoriels Gratuits - Télécharger 158 400 Dessins Vectoriels Gratuits - Royalty Free Photo Stock: Buy And Download Photo Images. Create a Stitched Web Ribbon in Photoshop. You don't have to search the web for very long to find a web ribbon in the corner of an image.

Create a Stitched Web Ribbon in Photoshop

In this quick tip tutorial we will show you how to create your own. Let's get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Step 1 Create a new document and name it "Ribbon". Step 2 Create a new layer and name it "Background Texture". Amount: 10%Distribution: GaussianMonochromatic: Checked Now set the "Background Texture" layer opacity to 15% Step 3 Now let's create the box where our image goes. Just place it in the middle of the canvas and name the layer "Clipping Mask" Step 4 Add the following layer styles to the "Clipping Mask" to give it a nice shadow and outline. Step 5 Using whatever image you like (I used the PSD Tuts screenshot) place it in the document, on top of the "Clipping Mask" layer and go to Layer > Create Clipping Mask.

DesignModo - Design and Web Development Magazine, be Inspired and Creative. Icon Search Engine. Fount · Identify any web font you see. Icon Archive - Search 300,702 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons.