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Good reading for principals

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10 reasons we need social media in education. I recently had the opportunity to be a part of a four person panel discussing social media in education with central office administrators. Our audience was made up of superintendents and assistant superintendents from all over the state of Missouri. Most importantly, I was joined by three awesome educators: Kyle Pace (@kylepace), Chris McGee (@cmcgee200), & Scott Dill (houstonsuper). All four of us come from different backgrounds and have a wide variety of educational experiences, and I would highly recommend following all of these gentlemen on Twitter if you are not already. I'm writing this post to help educators start the social media conversation in their district. Regardless of your position, if you are looking for some talking points for future conversations with your building and/or central office administration on the benefits of social media, look no further: 1) - Social media enables an instructional shift to take place. 7) - Social media will help you pass a bond issue.

Communication Tools for School Leaders. There are many essential skills a school leader needs to be effective. On that list, and toward the top, is communication. How, when and how often, and by what means of communication are tough questions every school leader thinks about and deals with on a daily basis. To add to this debate I provide the following: How To Communicate There are three types of communication that every school leader needs to engage in with stakeholders. When and How Often to Communicate The simple answer to when and how often to communicate is when it is necessary.

By What Means of Communication This category might be similar to the first but I want to focus on digital resources for you to use as you advance your communication resources. – This site allows you to send out possible meeting dates and times to people you need to meet with and the site then organizes the data to identify the best possible meeting date(s). Like this: Like Loading... Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn. Learning Is Different Than Education. “…all our problems tend to gather under two questions about knowledge: Having the ability and desire to know, how and what should we learn?

And, having learned, how and for what should we use what we know?” Wendell Berry, likely America’s greatest living writer and certainly its most compelling essayist, succinctly captures the challenge of education in this excerpt on an essay from a (mostly) unrelated topic from “People, Land, and Community.” But in the quote, Berry (whose ideas we’ve used to reflect on learning before, including this Inside-Out School Learning Model) has given us the ingredients for any authentic system of learning. The challenge of the ability and the desire to know is well enough established. While education as a system has (for the most part) moved long past concepts of “intelligence” and ability on the surface, academic progress and proficiency are literal linchpins for all education reform, at least in the United States. Learning:Education::Work:Career. Allan's Blog. “The new version of the Padagogy Wheel tackles a major question that is lurking in the back of everyone’s mind.

If it’s not … it should be. It’s about the problem of motivation in education. How do we motivate students, teachers, parents, and everyone else to get excited about learning? How do you stay motivated? Jeff Dunn: Editor Edudemic Blog Post:Updated Padagogy Wheel Tackles The Problem Of Motivation in Education In this third podcast episode with Ken Spero, a Senior Strategist with The Regis Company, in Philadelphia, USA we talk about how the pedagogy of Immersive Learning is ideal to tackle the problem of motivation and hits the bullseye at the core of The Padagogy Wheel. Ken introduces Engagement into the equation and how it drives motivation for learning. I asked Ken if he thought Immersive learning would help teachers work with mutually agreed graduate attributes and capabilities, helping the students embed them in their lives. Bullseye! Getting Started Podcast Episode: Rethinking Education: Why Our Education System Is Ripe For Disruption.

Mind-Sets and Equitable Education. Much talk about equity in education is about bricks and mortar—about having equal facilities and equal resources. Those factors, although extremely important, are relatively easy to quantify. What may be harder to capture are the beliefs that administrators, teachers, and students hold—beliefs that can have a striking impact on students’ achievement. In my research, I have identified two sets of beliefs that people can have about students’ intelligence (and that students can have about their own intelligence). They may have a fixed mind-set, in which they believe that intelligence is a static trait: some students are smart and some are not, and that’s that.

Or they may have a growth mind-set, in which they believe that intelligence can be developed by various means—for example, through effort and instruction. Students’ Mind-Sets On the basis of those findings, we designed a workshop to teach students a growth mind-set. Educators’ Mind-Sets Mind-Set and Stereotyping This makes sense. 5 Traits of High Quality Professional Development. For the past seven years a large part of my job has been focused on providing professional development for K-12 educators. Specifically, professional development centered around technology in education. Over the years I have paid close attention to things I felt could help me improve my teaching of teachers. Here is what I have learned:Professional Development needs to have a clear focus and purpose.

(just like when teachers teach students)Professional Development needs to have obtainable goals. (just like when teachers teach students)Professional Development needs to be relevant to the learner. In my experience, when I share these thoughts with administrators I get a hugh round of agreement. Many people find it easier to sit and listen than to actively participate in a training. So what do we do? Another option is to send some staff members to a conference or training and have them teach the others in the school. Online professional development is a great option for some. GAINS Home. The 7 Most Powerful Ideas In Learning Available Right Now. Tomorrow’s Learning Today: 7 Shifts To Create A Classroom Of The Future by Terry Heick For professional development around this idea or others you read about on TeachThought, contact us.

Let’s take a look at the nebulous idea of the “classroom of the future.” This is all subjective, but it’s worth talking about. So let’s talk. Below are some ideas that are truly transformational–not that they haven’t been said before. And the best part? But therein lies the rub: Tomorrow’s learning is already available, and below are 7 of the most compelling and powerful trends, concepts, and resources that represent its promise.

The Challenge of Implementation It’s challenging enough to manage a traditional learning environment where the curriculum is handed to you, and meetings are set, and you’re simply there to manage; adding more ingredients to the mix seems like asking for trouble. None of it is really complicated—it just requires new thinking. Tomorrow’s Learning Today: 7 Shifts Of Future Learning 1. The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have. The above image is 8.5×11″ so you can print it out. PDF is available here . There’s been a lot of talk about 21st century learners, 21st century teachers, and connected classrooms. There’s a daily influx of new technology into your inbox and your classroom feels woefully behind the times even if you’re flipping your 1:1 iPad classroom that’s already online and part of a MOOC .

What are modern teachers to do with all this jargon and techno-babble being thrown at them all day long? Simple. In my experience, I’ve seen teachers attempt to integrate 30 iPads into their classroom by handing them out and then trying to figure out which apps are worth using. In order to do this, you’ll need skills modern teachers must have. 1) Build Your PLN Whether you call it a ‘personal learning network’ or a ‘professional learning network’ is not important. 2) Establish Real Relationships Whether it’s online or offline, the ability to establish real relationships is critical to any modern teacher. 7) Slow Down.

St | Share what you know. High-Impact Instruction: A Corwin Companion Site. Corwin: Home. Teacher Evaluation: What's Fair? What's Effective?:Musing Over Meetings. November 2012 | Volume 70 | Number 3 Teacher Evaluation: What's Fair? What's Effective? Pages 86-87 Thomas R. Hoerr I've been lookin' for love in all the wrong places," sang Johnny Lee in Urban Cowboy, and that's a bit how I felt when I read Daniel Kahneman's book, Thinking, Fast and Slow (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow looks at decision making and is filled with gems of information about human behavior and leadership. Another of Kahneman's observations deals with how to elicit input from others. Before the sharing begins, Kahneman suggests having each participant jot down his or her thoughts on a piece of paper.

What was most striking for me was the distinction Kahneman made—the distinction that we all make—between memory and experience. Kahneman cites three stories that illustrate this reality. Patients undergoing colonoscopies without anesthetic (ugh!) Remember me wanting to improve my meetings? Thomas R. Click on keywords to see similar products: