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Tim Rylands' Blog - to baldly go....... Using ICT to inspire. Teachers TV podcast. Top 40 podcasts for teachers. 1. The Teacher’s Podcast Mark Gura and Dr. Kathy King bring you this series of podcasts, which cover “news, views, research and resources you can use.” Gura and king are educators themselves, and have experience as authors, professors and “ed tech experts.”

The duo claim that their podcast won’t offer you the usual fare, but instead includes a fun and crisp perspective, as well as valuable resources. 2. This blog from Steve Dembo features regular podcasts on education and technology. 3. This resource-rich site includes podcasts that cover technology and education, with some recent posts covering topics such as “Technology, Mobility, and Careers,” “Science and Social Media,” and “Digital Texts Rock!” 4. John Merrow hosts this podcast, which discuss current events in education. 5. Dr. 6. Eric Langhorst is an eighth-grade history teacher in /Missouri, and he hosts podcasts that discuss education, history and technology. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

50 Google+ Circles Teachers Should Know About. Ten Twitter Tips for Teachers. I’m a massive fan of Twitter. I have personally found it to be the best source of new ideas and tips out there, and it’s free! It can take time to build up a decent sized network, but once you follow enough people then you begin to see the benefits. I’ve written a short guide to Twitter for Teachers before, but I’ve updated some of the ideas and added a few more things that you can do to make your Twitter experience much more useful. 1.

Follow Follow Follow Twitter is all about following people. Once you follow a few people – look at their twitter pages and see who they talk to, or who they follow. Also – take a look at the “Who to Follow” page which will suggest other followers based on who you follow. Hopefully, those people you follow will also follow you back. 2. Whenever I get a new follower I check on their Twitter account to see if they are worth following back, or whether they are an automated spam bot. 3. It’s a good way of meeting other educators. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.