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UK Projects. Blogs. Mayumi Chechina on Behance. Mayumi de Chechina's favorites. Fashion DIY. Architecture & Design. Playscapes. Atalaya Park by G&C Arquitectos. February 7, 2013 / Filed under: Playgrounds / Residential Parks / Spain / See all projects by: G&C Arquitectos / 38,262 / Landscape Architecture: G&C Arquitectos (Jorge Cabrera Bartolomé, Marta González Cavia, Martín González Cavia ) Location: Arminza, Lemoiz, Bizkaia.

Atalaya Park by G&C Arquitectos

Spain Client: Municipality of LEMOIZ Budget: 750.000 € Area: 4.000 m2 Design: 2006-2007 Construction: 2010-2011 Image credits: G&C Arquitectos. Monstrum. Public space. Конкурсе малых архитектурных форм «ПроФОРМА» Product Design. Калининградская областная научная библиотека. Picture Library East Prussia. Гильманов-бунд. Rhinoceros. Voronoi Attractor. In the latest release of Grasshopper, David Rutten has incorporated many of his Pointset Reconstrution tools for Rhino.

Voronoi Attractor

There are, for example, components for voronoi, delaunay, quadtree and convexhull funtions. To have them right there in grasshopper lets you skip the step of calling them from rhino or a script. Great! To try these new components out, I’ve put together a quick voronoi definition which inputs a surface and an attractor point which influences the sizes of the voronoi cells.

The closer to the point, the smaller and tighter the cells. Education.